Re: MFC serialization of HICON

=?Utf-8?B?UGF3ZWwgS296aWVsc2tp?= <>
Thu, 7 Feb 2008 11:49:02 -0800

my sincere apologies.
You are completely right, "serialize_ex.cpp" is not a part of MFC.
I just realize that it was implemented internally.

Following are overloads for HICON and HBITMAP (HBITMAP used by HICON
overload for mask and color bmps)

// Archiving Bitmaps

CArchive& operator<<(CArchive &ar, const HBITMAP &hBitmap)
    Bitmap bm(hBitmap,NULL);

    // Get the class identifier for the PNG encoder.
    CLSID pngClsid;
    GetEncoderClsid(L"image/png", pngClsid);

    //The CStream object will contain the Bitmap data
    CStream bmStream(100*1000);


    return ar;

CArchive& operator>>(CArchive &ar, HBITMAP &hBitmap)
    CStream bmStream;

    Bitmap bm(&bmStream);
    Status sResult = bm.GetLastStatus();
    if( sResult != Ok )

    hBitmap = NULL;
    sResult = bm.GetHBITMAP(Color::Black,(HBITMAP*)&hBitmap);
    if( sResult != Ok )

    return ar;

// Archiving Icons

CArchive& operator<<(CArchive &ar, const HICON &hIcon)
    ICONINFO info;

    BOOL bResult = ::GetIconInfo(hIcon,&info);
    if( !bResult )
        DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError();
        CString s;
        s.Format(_T("Error: %d\n"),dwError);


    ar << info.fIcon;
    ar << info.xHotspot;
    ar << info.yHotspot;
    ar << info.hbmMask;
    ar << info.hbmColor;

    return ar;

CArchive& operator>>(CArchive &ar, HICON &hIcon)
    ICONINFO info;
    ar >> info.fIcon;
    ar >> info.xHotspot;
    ar >> info.yHotspot;
    ar >> info.hbmMask;
    ar >> info.hbmColor;

    hIcon = ::CreateIconIndirect(&info);
    if( hIcon == NULL )
        DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
        CString s;
        s.Format(_T("Error: %d\n"),dwError);



    return ar;

Storing seems to work but when loading, Bitmap bm(&bmStream) crashes.
Bitmap constructor is called in "GdiPlusBitmap.h"
(Bitmap::Bitmap(IN IStream *stream, IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement) and
DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromStream(stream, &bitmap); throws but i can not
step in farther.

What makes me uneasy is that all of that code worked before i upgraded to VS
2008. I was using 2005 before.

Thank you again for looking into my issue.

Pawel Kozielski

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