Thanks for that.
"Ian Semmel" <> wrote in message
What are the values returned By Mat2NoRotation () ?
Sorry - overlooked that. It's decades since I wrote this stuff!
// Mat2NoRotation
// Returns the 2x2 matrix for getting
// characters the right way up.
MAT2 Mat2NoRotation()
// Define a unit rotation matrix:
MAT2 Mt2;
FIXED a,b,c;
a.value = 1;
a.fract = 0;
b.value = 0;
b.fract = 0;
c.value = -1;
c.fract = 0;
Mt2.eM11 = a;
Mt2.eM12 = b;
Mt2.eM21 = b;
Mt2.eM22 = c;
return Mt2;
This statement
DWORD dwBufferSize = ::GetGlyphOutlineA( pDC->m_hAttribDC,(UINT)nChar,
&GlyphMetrics, 0, NULL, &Mt2 );
Always returns -1
It doesn't for me - maybe the above matrix will fix it. Have you
the font into pDC and are you using a valid value of nChar (ie one where
there is a character)?
David Webber
Author of 'Mozart the Music Processor'
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