How to print a graph/document using Metafile ?

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Sun, 16 Mar 2008 19:54:00 -0700

I have an MFC code written for printing a graph/document from my application
to the printer directly. It is identifying the printer, and the document gets
initialised in the printer spool, but it is not printing. When i check the
data size of the spool document it shows 0 bytes!. As the same time, if i
try to paste manually the data on Paint, I am getting the required output in
paint. ( ie. data is available on the Clipboard but not getting printed)

Can anybody help me in resolving this at the earliest.

Thanks in advance.
void CGraphDisplayWnd::PrintGraph( void )

    HMETAFILE hMetaFile = NULL;
    BOOL bBlackWhite= TRUE;
    int nMapMode = 0;
    int nyExt = 0;
    int nxExt = 0;
    double dAspect = 0.0;
    CDC DC;
    PRINTDLG PrintDlg;
    CWQSApp* pApp = GetWQSAppPtr();

    if( !pApp->GetPrinterDeviceDefaults( &PrintDlg ) )
        TRACE( "Could not get printer defaults!\n" );

    if( !pApp->CreatePrinterDC( DC ) )
        TRACE( "Could not open the printer!\n" );

    if( PrintDlg.hDevMode != NULL )
        LPDEVMODE DevMode = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalLock( PrintDlg.hDevMode );
        if( DevMode != NULL )
            ASSERT( DevMode != NULL );

            if( DevMode->dmColor != DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME )
                bBlackWhite = FALSE;
        GlobalUnlock( PrintDlg.hDevMode );

    int nSize = 35;

    // Copy Graph to Clipboard.
    GSUseView( m_nGraphNum, 0 );
    GSWinPaint( WPMETAFILE );
    GSWinPaint( WPMANUAL );
    m_nBKColor = LIGHT+WHITE;
    if( bBlackWhite )
        m_Graph.SetSymbolSize( nSize );
        m_Legend.SetMode( 16 );
        m_Graph.SetMode( TRUE );
    GSClipWrite( 0,0,0,0, CBWMF, 0 );
    if( bBlackWhite )
        m_Graph.SetSymbolSize( 25 );
        m_Legend.SetMode( 0 );
        m_Graph.SetMode( FALSE );
    m_nBKColor = WHITE;

    // Get Metafile off of Clipboard.

    hGMem = GetClipboardData( CF_METAFILEPICT );
    if( hGMem != NULL )
        lpmfp = (LPMETAFILEPICT)GlobalLock( hGMem );
        if( lpmfp != NULL )
            hMetaFile = CopyMetaFile( lpmfp->hMF, NULL );
            if( hMetaFile == NULL )
                GlobalUnlock( hGMem );

            nMapMode = lpmfp->mm;
            nxExt = lpmfp->xExt;
            nyExt = lpmfp->yExt;
            dAspect = (double)lpmfp->yExt / (double)lpmfp->xExt;
            GlobalUnlock( hGMem );


    if( hMetaFile == NULL ) return;

    // Get # of pixels per inch.
    double dXPixsInch = DC.GetDeviceCaps( LOGPIXELSX );
    double dYPixsInch = DC.GetDeviceCaps( LOGPIXELSY );

    // Get # of Pixels printer display area.
    double dXRes = DC.GetDeviceCaps( HORZRES );
    double dYRes = DC.GetDeviceCaps( VERTRES );

    // Get # of mm in printers display area.
    double dXSize = DC.GetDeviceCaps( HORZSIZE );
    double dYSize = DC.GetDeviceCaps( VERTSIZE );

    // Get # of mm in the graph.
    double dXNumMm = (double)nxExt / 100.0;
    double dYNumMm = (double)nyExt / 100.0;

    // Get # of pixels per mm.
    double dXPixsMm = dXRes / dXSize;
    double dYPixsMm = dYRes / dYSize;

    dYSize -= 12.7;

    double dXRatio = dXSize / dXNumMm;
    double dYRatio = dYSize / dYNumMm;

    // Get the X,Y extents.
    double dXExt = dXRatio * dXNumMm * dXPixsMm;
    double dYExt = dYRatio * dYNumMm * dYPixsMm;

    DOCINFO JobInfo;
    memset( &JobInfo, 0, sizeof(DOCINFO) );
    JobInfo.cbSize = sizeof(JobInfo);
    JobInfo.lpszDocName = "WQS Graph";

    if( DC.StartDoc( &JobInfo ) == -1 )
        TRACE("ERROR: StartDoc\n" );

    if( DC.StartPage() == -1 )
        TRACE("ERROR: StartPage\n" );

    DC.SaveDC() ;
    DC.SetMapMode( nMapMode );
    DC.SetWindowOrg( 0,0);
    DC.SetWindowExt( (int) dXExt, (int)dYExt );
    DC.SetViewportOrg( 0, (int)(dYPixsInch/2.0) );
    DC.SetViewportExt( (int)dXExt, (int)dYExt );
    EnumMetaFile( DC.GetSafeHdc(), hMetaFile, EnumMetaProc, NULL );
    DC.RestoreDC( -1 );
    ReleaseDC( &DC );

    if( DC.EndPage() == -1 )
        TRACE("ERROR: EndPage\n" );

    if( DC.EndDoc() == -1 )
        TRACE("ERROR: EndDoc\n" );

    DeleteMetaFile( hMetaFile );

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