Re: SetPixel and Color

RAN <>
Fri, 16 May 2008 15:06:53 -0700 (PDT)
On 16 mei, 23:35, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:

See below...

On Fri, 16 May 2008 13:34:39 -0700 (PDT), RAN <> wrote:


I have loaded a bitmap resource using:
   po_StartBitmap[6] =(BYTE*)


These operations should not be compounded like this. You have no idea i=

f any of these


I probably should have done this using GetDIBits() but i could not get
it to work just now, so i tried this instead.
It does what i want, getting a pointer to the bitmapdata, may try
GetDIBits() later.

I want to draw the bitmap in OnDraw() using SetPixel().
Like so:
void CPGNFENEditorView::Draw_WhitePawn(int n_X, int n_Y, CDC *po_dc)

   BYTE* po_Bitmap;

   po_Bitmap = po_StartBitmap[6];

I note that you did not tell us what the declaration of po_StartBitmap is;=

 how are we to

make sense of this assignment?

   int nWidth =55;
   int nHeight =64;
   int nX,nY;

Do not use commas in declaration lists, and if you feel you have to, remem=

ber to use

whitespace to make code readable.

   po_Bitmap+=40; // start pixeldata
   for(nY = 0; nY < nHeight; nY ++)

How do you know it is 40? Where did this number come from? Why shoul=

d we believe it? Did

not not mean sizeof() of some well-defined structure?
****> {

           for(nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++)
                   if( *(po_Bitmap ) != 0x=

ff || *(po_Bitmap + 1) != 0xff ||

*(po_Bitmap + 2) != 0xff)
                           po_dc->SetPixel (=


           po_Bitmap+=3; // skip trailing zeros for multip=

les of four.


This loop is about the clumsiest thing I've seen in a long time. Why not B=

itBlt? If you

need something that is transparent, create two bitmaps: a mask bitmap and =

a data bitmap,

and do two BitBlts, one which ANDs the mask (black where you want color, w=

hite where you

want background) and ORs the data (black where you want transparency). =

The GetDIBits is

irrelevant here. You've been going after the wrong solution.

I have a bitmap with a black king (chesspiece) which is black, this
bitmap is drawn perfectly using the SetPixel() code. (Its black and
the shape is what it should be)
Then i have a bitmap with a white king which is actually yellow in
The above code displayes the bitmap perfectly, BUT its not yellow but

Blue is the complement of yellow. That should suggest something.But I t=

hink the correct

answer is not to fix this code, but to write better code that involves no =

loops at all.


****>How can the bitmap be displayed perfectly but be of a different color=

than it originally is?

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
MVP Tips:

Thanks! I think i found a sample on the net about this technique.

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