Re: 2 parm vs. 1parm GetDlgItem() trouble . . .

"Tom Serface" <>
Tue, 7 Apr 2009 14:45:15 -0700
You may want to consider just creating all the buttons you may need and
using ShowWindow(SW_SHOW) or ShowWindow(SW_HIDE) to display only the ones
you want at any time.


"Kevin Waite" <> wrote in message

Hmmmm, is a my new class to manage screens of 6 button pairs -- a random
that has no "business" try to change the bitmap of the buttons for the
first click/touch
to provide visual feedback to stroke patient?

I have no desire to use or depend on GetDlgItem() -- what I want -- is:

at will ... for X screens of Y buttons. . . .

So the question could be how do I get the pointer to a button in
C_tst_04_Dlg -- when
I did not create the button directly -- but used Visual Stude Dialog
Editor to draw my
buttons -- fast and easy. If I get the pointer to all my buttons (not
created by me) then
I can save those pointers or reget them -- as a newbie -- using GetDlgItem
with the
button ID was the way to go -- clearly no -- I got into trouble because I
was wrongly
thinking that the 2 parm GetDlgItem() was the same as the 1 parm
GetDlgItem() -- clearly
they are not -- my mistake.

Thanks for your help.

Kevin Waite

"Joseph M. Newcomer" <> wrote in message

The problem is that you think using GetDlgItem is a reasonable approach.
Don't use it; if
you are writing more than one a year, you are not using MFC correctly.

Note that if you are creating a new class, you almost certainly do NOT
want to include the
same files as your dialog. In fact, due to terminal brain damage and a
failure to
comprehend how software should really be built, Microsoft erroneously
#include "project.h"
where "project" represents the name of your project, in each derived
class. This has
never made sense, and I either delete the line entirely, or replace it
#include "resource.h"

The correct approach is to create a control variable for each control you
wish to access,
and use the control by name.

You should not be writing it at all, and in any case, if you are in a
derived class of a
control, it is erroneous to assume that it knows anything about any other
control in the
dialog. So you would not need the HWND in any case.

Stop using GetDlgItem.

Neither question makes sense
(a) you don't need GetDlgItem
(b) you don't need the handle to your dialog to access a control

Note that in the very, very, VERY rare cases where you need an HWND, the
m_hWnd member of
the window class is the handle. I see no evidence in your description
that you have such
a case.

Note that if you have some random class *not* derived from CWnd, then it
has no business
touching the controls of the dialog; this violates so many principles of
good OO
programming that it is not worthy of discussion of how to do it. It
would be like
explaining why a 'goto' is the ONLY reasonable control structure to use
for looping. You
need to rethink and redesign what you are doing so that some random class
does not require
access to your dialog's controls.

On Mon, 6 Apr 2009 22:52:36 -0500, "Kevin Waite"
<> wrote:

Newbie here -- in my default wizard MFC Dlg.cpp -- I can use
GetDlgItem with a single parm, say the ID of a button -- and it
works great -- in fact both decls are present -- the single parm
ID and the ( HWND hdle, ID ) ......

When I make a new class module -- xxx.cpp --- and include
exactly the same includes from Dlg.cpp -- exactly the same!

I don't get the single parm GetDlgItem( ID ) -- booo -- I only
get the 2 parm (HWND, ID) ver . . . . rats rats rats

Worse yet -- I really can't seem to figure out how to get my
HWND hndle on the fly to meet this two parm version. . . .
so I am stuck again . . . . .

So -- either solution would be great --

a) how to get the single parm version of GetDlgItem vialbe from xxx.cpp

b) or how to querry the Dialog Handle in the form of HWND

Either would be fantastic . . . . .

Thanks in advance.

Kevin Waite

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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