Re: Preventing memory and resource leaks with GDI Objects ???

"Tom Serface" <>
Wed, 10 Mar 2010 10:29:47 -0800
You will have to manage the resources somehow and someplace, but I don't
think it matters how or where. I think you get like 5000 GDI resources
before they run out and I think that number is shared among programs. Still
converting them is no worse that destroying and recreating them, but you'll
have to destroy them ultimately at some point, or, if the number is not to
arduous you could let them get recovered when the program exits (but I'm not
a big fan of that behavior).


"Peter Olcott" <> wrote in message

I am have built a general purpose bitmap/image handling class and want to
add TextOut() capability to this class. To do this I must convert some of
my GDI local function variables into GDI object member variables. This
means that I must be able to re-use several GDI objects, instead of
constructing them and destroying them after a single use.

What issues are raised with resource and memory leaks by using CDC and
CBitmap objects? How are these issues mitigated?

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