Property Sheet page problem with PtInRect

"Shiju" <>
23 May 2006 23:34:34 -0700
Hi all,

I have a property sheet with with 5 -6 tabs. And i need to catch the
right click event of disabled controls in different tabs. And it is
working fine for first tab correctly. I tried to copy the code for
another tab dialog, but it is not working. The logic is as follows.

Assume FirstDialog is the dialog for which it correctly and
SecondDialog is the erraneous one. The logic is whenever a mouse move
occurs, a class member variable called m_point is updated. when a right
click occurs, all the controls are enumerated and their rectangles are
taken and used the PtInRect function to see whether the m_point is
within the control rectangle. If so, the appropriate logic is invoked.

The problem is it is working fine for the first tab (FirstDialog ). The
same is not working for the second and subsequent tabs. The problem is
PtInRect fails. Please see the working code for the first tab.

Please help.Any offset or some thing like that to be provided for the
subsequent tabs?

The code in FirstDialog is as follows.

LRESULT FirstDialog ::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM

    ::EnumChildWindows(FirstDialog ::m_hWnd,EnumChildProc,lParam);
//routes to the proc given below

    return CDialog::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);

void FirstDialog ::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)

    CDialog::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

BOOL EnumChildProc(HWND hwnd,LPARAM lParam)

    CWnd *pWnd;
    POINT pt;
    CRect ControlRect;
    FirstDialog *pFirstDlg;
    int nControlID;
    pWnd=CWnd::FromHandlePermanent(hwnd );
        return true;
    nControlID= pWnd->GetDlgCtrlID();
    CString strControlID;
    pFirstDlg=(FirstDialog *)pWnd->GetParent();
                    //The logic


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