edit box cant get focus
i have some problems and because i dont know where to look for the
error, i post some description...
i have a propertysheet with some pages and i have another dialog
(CRecall). what i want to do is to put the 2nd page of my sheet
(DlgErweitert) into a static window (m_REParent) of CRecall.
that looks like this:
BOOL CRecall::OnInitDialog() {
RECT rc;
rc.top += -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) -
// ... //
return false;
now the problem:
the dialog is correctly displayed and also is my propertypage in it,
i can click/modify the radiobuttons and checkboxes, but listboxes
and editboxes wont get the focus if i click into them (but they do
change mouse cursor correctly while mouse is over them).
If i set initial focus to one of the editboxes, i can write into them,
but when i click into some other area of the dialog (CRecall) or
into a checkbox/radio of the propertypage, i cant reset the focus
by mouseclick.
so ... where do i have to look for this error?
btw, setting above return value to true doesnt any good.
thx for any help;-)