Re: Modeless dialog box in a thread

=?Utf-8?B?UHVuaXQgS2F1cg==?= <>
Fri, 27 Apr 2007 07:08:02 -0700
You said I made the dialog modal. I need to create a modeless dialog. What
should I change there?

"Arman Sahakyan" wrote:


see below...

"Punit Kaur" wrote:

 Thank you very much for your suggestions.After reading a couple of
articles, I came up with a set of steps I may have to follow in order to get
this thing work. I am completely
new to this so please bear with me.

I have a dialog based application. So this is the sequence of steps I will

1. Define the user-defined message


2. Associate this with a handler defined in the main dialogs class


3. Handler Declaration

    afx_msg LRESULT OnCheckDiskSpace(UINT wParam, LONG lParam);

4. Contents of the main dialog's handler which will pop up the modeless dialog

   LRESULT CMyDialogApp::OnCheckDiskSpace(UINT wParam, LONG lParam)
           CDiskSpaceWarn *pdlg;
           ULARGE_INTEGER ll,pp,oo;
           pdlg = new CDiskSpaceWarn;

And where do you delete pdlg? You should have CDialog::PostNcDestroy method
overriden which deletes itself; the following statement should be there;
delete this;

        float fDiskNum= (static_cast<float>(static_cast<__int64>(oo.QuadPart
* 1024))))/1000;



Why CWnd::RunModalLoop? You've already created the dlg as modal. So remove
that line.
And how you close the dialog? You should have overriden CDialog::OnOK and
CDialog::OnCancel and call DestroyWindow() from there. Also remove the base
class overrides.

5. Worker thread is defined as :

    UINT DiskSpaceWarnThread(LPVOID pvoid)
    BOOL running = true;
      ::PostMessage(hwnd, UWM_REQUEST_DISK_SPACE_WARNING); // Posting
message to main window

//passing hwnd as parameter, Assuming I had passed the main dialog's handle
while creating the worker thread
       switch(::WaitForSingleObject(shutdown, 3600000))
{ /* wait */
running = FALSE;
... deal with errors
} /* wait */

   return 0;

6. HANDLE shutdown = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
and will use
::SetEvent(shutdown) when the app is shutting down;

Not the all. The caller should wait until the worker thread exits. So after
the SetEvent
there should be a line of WaitForSingleObject( hThread ..).
This means that you should have remembered the CWinThread* value when calling

I will take care of the syntax once I am clear with the steps I need to

Please let me know if I am missing any piece of code. I need to add to make
it work correctly. Again, I am in very initial stages of MFC programming, so
please bear with me.

Thank you.

And the most interesting part. Why a worker thread at all? The same task can
be accomlished by timers (WM_TIMER). The timer would be triggered each given
amount of time and in the WM_TIMER handler function you would do the disk
checkup job. Make it easy!


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