Re: Adjusting to screen resolutions

"Ashot Geodakov" <>
Thu, 31 May 2007 15:03:30 -0700
Override the dialog's OnInitDialog() function.

BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
    int nScreenWidth = ::GetSystemMetrics( CM_CXSCREEN ); // Supported by
    int nScreenHeight = ::GetSystemMetrics( CM_CYSCREEN ); // Supported by
    MoveWindow( 0, 0, nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight, TRUE );
    return TRUE;

Override the OnSize() function.

void CMyDialog::OnSize( UINT nType, int cx, int cy )
  // Calculate the child controls' positions and call MoveWindow on each of

As for .Net, yes, there is an automatic way to position and resize controls
on a form. You can set "Anchor" properties for controls in the design mode
and not worry about coding to re-position/size controls. You still need to
resize the main form programmatically to fit to the screen.

"Chris H" <> wrote in message

I am looking for the best way to have a dialog based program scale up and
down to fully file the screen for several different screen resolutions.

I need to have the buttons stretch or compress so that the same number of
buttons show in generally the same relative proportions.

Since this is an embedded application I could set some flags and compile a
different version depending on the targeted display, if I have to. I would
like to avoid having multiple versions of the project to maintain.

By the way would .net offer any help for this?


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