Re: Replace Titlebar with Region ?

"David Ching" <>
Sun, 15 Jul 2007 17:24:01 GMT
"cdg" <> wrote in message

 I tried the code (below) and it caused erratic dragging behaviour.
However, I had a question first. How is the memory allocated for this
CArray<CRect> array?

The array is init'd no memory allocated. You can specify an initial number
of items to allocate, and in addition, specify how many items to allocate
should you add more than the initial number, using CArray::SetSize().

  And for dragging the dialog, it opens correctly. But when attempting to
drag the dialog, it only will move after a few clicks. And it so erratic
that the number of clicks is not consistent. In fact, I can't even
necessarliy reproduce dragging movement, and I'm not exactly sure how to
the dragging movement started. Also, the dialog can be dragged from
in the dialog, not just the border controls.

Here is the code:
#include <afxtempl.h>
added to the stdafx.h file
class CBmpBkgdTBarDlg
CArray<CRect,CRect&> rectArray;
BOOL CBmpBkgdTBarButtonsDlg::OnInitDialog()
  CRect r;
UINT CBmpBkgdTBarButtonsDlg::OnNcHitTest(CPoint point)
CPoint pCur;

for(int i = 0; i < rectArray.GetSize(); i++)
       return HTCAPTION;

return CDialog::OnNcHitTest(point);

The issue is you are using screen coordinates for the rects and the cursor
pos, which is bound to change as you drag the window to different screen
coords! Since you are not realculating m_cTopBorder, etc. as the dialog is
dragged, this won't be accurate. I would use window coords instead. You
can convert from window coords to client coords (relative to upper left
corner of dialog, which is 0,0) using ScreenToClient().

A small point, but you don't need to call GetCursorPos()... just use the
CPoint parameter passed to OnNcHitTest. This is screen coords, you need to
convert to client coords as described prior.

-- David

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