Re: SetWindowPos causing crash

=?Utf-8?B?Um9iS2lubmV5MQ==?= <>
Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:11:00 -0700
Thanks for replying Doug! Read below...

"Doug Harrison [MVP]" wrote:

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 09:16:01 -0700, RobKinney1
<> wrote:

Hello again experts! Thank you for reading this post.

Anyone ever heard of SetWindowPos causing an application to crash? Even
more so causing a severe error that a try catch(...) was unable to catch?

The C++ try/catch facility is not intended to help with "crashes". See this
page for more:

Thats a great link. Thanks for the info... I wasn't aware of this.

More details:
--- In ParentWindow.h ---
CTestWindow * dlg;

--- In ParentWindow.cpp ---
dlg = new CTestWindow();
dlg->Create(CTestWindow::IDD); // crashes here sometimes (see below for
init for this window)

  dlg->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); // also sometimes errors out here
   // logs error

--- In TestWindow.cpp in OnInitDialog() ---
        SetWindowPos(NULL, windowPositionX, windowPositionY, 50, 50, SWP_NOSIZE |
SWP_NOZORDER); // crashes whole program here (windowPositionX and Y are
always positive legal values as I log them before this executes)
// logs error.. well, it is supposed to but the try-catch will never log it
since the program crashes

Who knows... maybe this is not where the problem is, but I am logging lines
before and after each and every line in the parent and child window and this
is where is consistently stops. Spent over a day now looking at this.

Another note: This error usually happens after about 40 successful cycles
of the code.

Any thoughts?

Walk the call stack in the debugger to determine precisely where the
problem occurs.

When you say to walk the stack, am I supposed to implement something like
this into my program?

I have never done this before and was always wondering how to do it.

I am going to try that meanwhile and see if I can get it to print out to a

Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP



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