Re: Combox Update information
Have you tried doing the same thing with a stack based object like:
CMyGroupDlg DlgGrupo;
// initialize dialog variables from local versions
if(DlgGrupo.DoModal() == IDOK)
// set local variables from dialog versions
Also, you didn't show the dialog code, but make sure you're setting up the
combo boxes in the OnInitDialog() function and that you have handlers for
each of the combo boxes that are separate. Although, from this example, it
looks like you are just checking one of them.
It could be that your dialog object is getting deleted somewhere before you
snag the data from it.
"RDmulo F9rrer" <> wrote in message
On 18 jan, 13:03, "AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <A...@online.nospam> wrote:
"RDmulo F9rrer" <> wrote in message
I'm developing a simple dialog in c++. So, when i select a combox and
choose the first information and after choose the second. I click the
button ok to process the information, but the information that is
valid is the first selected not the second. How can i fix it?
I'm going try that...but my problem is why the combobox are not geting
the currenty value selected ?
I have two files file A and File B. File A call the dialog while file
B is where that dialog is create.
I need to get the name of the group selected by user, but sometimes
when i click button ok I 've gotten the name or not. It's instable.
File A I've included that code:
//"pDlgGrupo" is a instance of the class dialog when i click the
button OK.
sNomeGrupo = pDlgGrupo.sNomeGrupoSelecionado;
AfxMessageBox(" Obtem nome do grupo: "+ sNomeGrupo, MB_OK);
if (!sNomeGrupo.IsEmpty())
//Chama rotina de agrupamento Agrupar(NomeIncr, NomeGrp);