Re: Reading Serial Port

clinisbut <>
Thu, 7 Feb 2008 00:55:11 -0800 (PST)
On Feb 7, 9:49 am, clinisbut <> wrote:

On Feb 6, 6:49 pm, "David Ching" <> wrote:

"Scott McPhillips [MVP]" <org-dot-mvps-at-scottmcp> wrote in messagenews:uyHRcTOaIHA.3828@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...

"David Ching" <> wrote in message

...The reader thread is a worker thread and has no CWinThread object to

That's not correct. Creating a worker thread does create a CWinThread,
and a pointer to it is returned. It should be deleted after it exits
(assuming m_bAutoDelete has been set FALSE).

Yes, you're right, thanks. I think it would be helpful to see ALL the
relevant code since I've long ago forgotten even why m_bAutoDelete needs to
be FALSE in the first place! ;)

-- David

Ok, finally I think I solved it...
I added a
   delete pMySerial;
After WFSO in OnDestroy so I have no memory leaks now! Thank you.
About pReaderThread, I didn't set its m_bAutoDelete to FALSE, so I
suppose that I just need to WFSO for its m_hThread, isn't it?

This is my updated code with some comments:
First, creating the object:
    (MySerial*) pMySerial = (MySerial*)

That's ok. Then I call:
   pMySerial->openPort( port_number );

Here is my class (serial port related code ommited)
//Open_port(), here I crete the pReaderThread, a worker thread that
reads serial port
BOOL MySerial::openPort( int port )
        opened = TRUE;
        ShutdownEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );

        pReaderThread = AfxBeginThread( ReaderThread, this,
        //pReaderThread->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;

        return TRUE;


//This is the famous ReaderThread, a worker thread that exits when
ShutDownEvent is signaled
UINT ReaderThread( LPVOID cT )
        MySerial* SerialHandler = (MySerial*)cT;

        HANDLE waiters[2];
        waiters[0] = SerialHandler->ShutdownEvent;
        waiters[1] = SerialHandler->ovReader.hEvent;

        while( reading )
                unsigned char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
                BOOL ok = ::ReadFile( SerialHandler->hComm, buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
-1, &bytesRead, &SerialHandler->ovReader );
                if( !ok )
                        //Some code...
                        DWORD result = ::WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, waiters, FALSE,
                        switch( result )
                                case WAIT_OBJECT_0: //Event shutdown
                                                                      reading = FALSE; //Here loop
                                //More code
                //More code to read

        return 0;


//And finally, the closePort()
void MySerial::closePort( WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
        if( opened )
                SetEvent( ShutdownEvent );
                TRACE("closing pReaderThread.\n");
                WaitForSingleObject( pReaderThread->m_hThread, INFINITE );
//If I set in openPort() pReader->Thread->m_bAutodelete = FALSE...
// CloseHandle( pReaderThread->m_hThread ); //...Here I've
got an Exception error
// delete pReaderThread; //

                BOOL ok = PurgeComm( hComm, PURGE_RXABORT|PURGE_RXCLEAR );

                ::CloseHandle( WriteEvent );
                ::CloseHandle( ShutdownEvent );
                ::CloseHandle( ReadEvent );
                ::CloseHandle( hComm );

                //PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(), WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
                opened = FALSE;
                TRACE("THREAD STOPPED\n");
                TRACE("Not opened.");
                //PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(), WM_QUIT, 0, 0);


And in my OnDestroy I do this:
void CUart3DEMODlg::OnDestroy()
        TRACE("closing port.\n");
        if( serial_created ) //<<---Note this flag
                TRACE("We have to kill pMySerial.\n");
                pMySerial->PostThreadMessage( WM_MYSERIAL_CLOSE, 0, 0 );
                WaitForSingleObject( pMySerial->m_hThread, INFINITE );
                delete pMySerial;
                TRACE("Port closed.\n");


I have to thank all people that helped me to find the solution,
But... one last thing (sorry):
The flag serial_created is true when I create pMySerial. When
serial_created is true at the moment of exit App, I must close it
But you'll agree with me that's shoddy... Is there a better way to
detect that pMySerial exists??

And again, thank you.

I have to correct the code posted above. In OnDestroy obviously the
pMySerial->ResumeThread() have to be left.

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