Re: how to create cwnd in cappthread

"Nick Schultz" <>
Wed, 16 Jul 2008 12:33:50 -0700
So I passed in the HWND of the window that created the thread (in this case
it is a CDialog), and the application is working (clients are able to
connect, new thread handles connection, packets are being sent, etc) however
I thought it was bad to associate one HWND between two threads. Is what I
did OK, or am I bound for headaches trying to debug?


"Nick Schultz" <> wrote in message

OK so when I try to make the window, I get the error:

Window creation failed: GetLastError returns 0x0000057E

what does this mean?
"David Wilkinson" <> wrote in message

Nick Schultz wrote:

so I create the cwnd as:


(here is the function prototype)
virtual BOOL CreateEx(
   DWORD dwExStyle,
   LPCTSTR lpszClassName,
   LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,
   DWORD dwStyle,
   int x,
   int y,
   int nWidth,
   int nHeight,
   HWND hWndParent,
   HMENU nIDorHMenu,
   LPVOID lpParam = NULL

I then get a debug assertion error in the CWnd class:

// for child windows
BOOL CWnd::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
    if (cs.lpszClass == NULL)
        // make sure the default window class is registered

        // no WNDCLASS provided - use child window default
        >>>>>>ASSERT( & WS_CHILD);<<<<<<<
        cs.lpszClass = _afxWnd;
    return TRUE;


Well, passing WS_CHILD for dwStyle might seem to be a good start. The MFC
code clearly indicates that if the WNDCLASS is NULL, the window must be a

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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