Re: How to modalize a dialog?
On 5 Nov., 21:50, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:
See below...
On Wed, 5 Nov 2008 12:35:44 -0800 (PST), ".rhavin grobert" <cl...@yahoo.d=
e> wrote:
Guess we have a modeless dialog (*pDlg) that is already created and
shown. i now want to provide a way to make it modal, eg, call a fn
that returns only after the dialog was EndDialog'ed. Return value is
not the point here, that is handled by some overloads. The following
snipped should "modalize" a dialog that is already created and shown
and is a copy from the CDialog::DoModal() source. But the call into
RunModalLoop() "locks" everything. Does someone know how to correctly
make an alredy created and shown dialog modal?
There are several different questions here.
For example, you CANNOT make a "modeless" dialog "modal" in the sense tha=
t it is
terminated by EndDialog. You CAN make it "modal" in that the parent is=
disabled until the
dialog terminates, which is a different question. Just call
GetParent()->EnableWIndow(FALSE); and you're done. Make sure that as p=
art of the
OnDestroy handler you re-enable the parent window.
You must make sure that EndDialog is never, ever, called for a modeless d=
ialog. This
means that you have to override OnCancel and OnOK and not call the superc=
lass, but instead
implement DestroyWindow to kill the dialog. You would notify the owner=
of the dialog by
using SendMessage or PostMessage that the dialog has closed, and include =
as WPARAM or
LPARAM the IDOK/IDCANCEL. I would NOT attempt at all the solution you =
have tried; it
looks like a recipe for disaster.
In MyDialog, EndDialog(), OnCancel(), Create(), OnOk() and DoModal()
will all be overloaded, so the dialog "knows" if it is created modal
or modeless. The point is: In a modal dialog scenario, you can do
something like this:
void CMyClass::DoSomethingFunny()
CMyDialog dlg;
what im trying to acomplish is something similar for already existent
dialogs (modeless)
void CMyClass::DoSomethingQuiteMoreFunny(CMyDialog* dlg)
Note that "Ended" doesnt neccesarily mean that is has to be destroyed.
A modeless dialog is inherently asynchronous; you have made the common mi=
stake of thinking
you can impose synchronous behavior on an asyncrhonous mechanism. Don't w=
aste time trying.
I didnt understand everything, but the mfc-sources for Create() and
DoModal() seem to do much the same. whats the difference? they dont
seem to run in a different thread.
Since the only purpose of a modal dialog is to disable the main window wh=
ile the dialog is
active, that's trivial; and there is no reason to ever think that it make=
s sense to impose
synchronous behavior on asynchronous mechanisms; that's always a losing g=
ame. You started
out asking the wrong question; the right question is "I want the dialog t=
o have the
illusion of modality at some point", and confused that with an implementa=
tion that
approaches the problem from the wrong direction. The illusion of modal=
ity is simple:
disable the parent window. The notification of completion is asynchrono=
Instead of writing
you should write
LRESULT CMyWhatever::OnDialogFinished(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
if(wParam == IDOK)
return 0;
where "Modalize" is now
void CMyDialog::Modalize()
and Demodalize re-enables the window.
Note that this solution is very easy to implement.
yes, but not exactly what i want ;-)