By the way I forgot to mention I am still using Visual Studio 6 and the
OK, now I have the following which seems to work.
When I build the app I get 3 warnings.
All at the 3 lines with the word buffer in them.
"Joseph M. Newcomer" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 08:34:10 -0400, "Eddards" <> wrote:
I have the following code below to take a selected file and read it's
The app has a ListBox (IDC_FILELIST) and Static text (IDC_FILESELECTED).
More will be added later to process the read file.
How do I search for a text string when the file does contain 0x00's in it.
It is a mixed file containing text and hex data?
I compile with no errors and the filename does appear at IDC_FILESELECTED.
Please feel free to direct me in other things I am doing improperly.
BOOL CMyAppDlg::OnInitDialog()
SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
CListBox* List = (CListBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_FILELIST);
This is silly. Create a member variable and let MFC bind the control to
the variable.
Then you can just call the methods without requiring the ->; e.g.,
c_List.ResetContent. (I
start all my control variable names with c_)
HANDLE hand;
CString William = "C:\\temp\\*.ppf"; //file I am listing have a .ppf
That would be _T("C:\\temp\\*.ppf")
Note there is no reason to assume there is a temp directory on C:\\ or
that it is
accessible, except on your machine. You should probably use the value of
the environment
variable TEMP as the location of temporary files. The reason is that on
machines, each user might have their own temp directory (otherwise there
are information
LPCTSTR Ppath = William;
Why an LPCTSTR? Why not a CString? There is no reason to use an LPCTSTR
here. In fact,
it is not at all clear why you are bothering with a variable at all. You
could have
hand = FindFirstFile(William, &tell);
and it would work just fine.
CString insert;
hand=FindFirstFile (Ppath, &tell);
insert = tell.cFileName;
if (FindNextFile(hand, &tell)){
insert = tell.cFileName;
goto Search;
WHAT THE #$%! is this doing? Consider the 'goto' to be a very, very,
very, DEAD piece of
syntax, used only in unbelievably rare and exotic situations, or by sloppy
programmers. It
isn't needed, and you don't want it. The correct code would be
} while(FindNextFile(hand, &tell));
Note that we do not need to introduce an unnecessary variable, a label, a
goto, a
secondary loop, and we don't even try to execute the loop if the
FindFirstFile failed; in
addition, the handle is properly closed.
Generally, if you are about to write a 'goto', just say 'this is a
mistake'. You will be
right so often that the few times you are wrong will become obvious. In
this case, it is
a glaring mistake to have used such an obsolete construct.
And what, precisely, do you think "UpdateData" is going to accomplish
here? As far as I
can tell, absolutely nothing. It is a waste of time and conceptual energy
to use it. Note
that the
return TRUE;
void CMyAppDlg::OnSelchangeFilelist()
char cSelect[500];
And why are you certain that the contents of the file are 8-bit
characters? Why do you
think 500 matters in any way?
int nSelect;
long lth;
FILE *in;
nSelect=SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_FILELIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L);
This is some of the worst code I have seen in a long time for getting an
element from a
list. The correct code is
nSelect = c_List.GetCurSel();
Note how many fewer characters it uses; it doesn't use something obscure,
hard to read,
and which requires a complex lookup of the LB_GETCURSEL message to figure
out how to use.
DlgDirSelect((LPSTR) cSelect, IDC_FILELIST);
Why are you doing an LPSTR cast? This makes no sense. You have no reason
to believe that
this is an ANSI application! The correct code would have been
TCHAR cSelect[500];
DlgDirSelect(cSelect, IDC_FILELIST);
assuming that you wanted to DlgDirSelect at all. But the correct code is
CString Select;
c_List.GetText(nSelect, Select);
which is far easier, does not presume the character type, does not require
a known length
(if this is a filename, MAX_PATH would have sufficed), does not require a
allocation, and in general is the preferred method. You appear to be
trying to write
Petzold-style C code in MFC, which is not using MFC correctly at all.
Why are you updating the current window. Don't you mean to update the
window into which
you just stored the information? The correct code would be
Fname = "C:\\temp\\"; //set directory path
Again, you cannot presume there is a temp directory in C, or that the user
has access to
it. There is in general no reason to assume anything about the file path.
The correct
approach would be to provide a "File path" edit control, with a "browse"
button next to
File Path [______________________] [...]
In the OnBnClickedBrowse handler you would bring up a "find folder" dialog
to select the
If you want a default path, use #define to define a string constant which
is the path,
#define DEFAULT_PATH _T("C:\\TEMP\\")
#define DEFAULT_PATTERN _T("*.ppf");
you can then write
and have a variable with the right contents.
Then you can write, here
Fname = DEFAULT_PATH + cSelect;
and you will get the correct path, the same one you used before, without
having to retype
it (and potentially get confused if you change it!)
Fname += cSelect; //append filename selected
in = fopen (Fname, "rb"); //open the selected file for binary
How do you know it succeeded? I see no test for success here?
fseek(in, 0, SEEK_END); //Move File Pointer to EOF
lth = ftell(in); //Get position of FP
fseek(in, 0, SEEK_SET); //Move FP back to beginning of file
edi = new TCHAR[lth]; //create place for data (declared
"LPTSTR edi;" in header file
Why is it you are using TCHAR to hold something that is clearly a set of
bytes. Note that
the result of this is that you are creating a buffer twice as large as the
file, because
the file size is in bytes.
It would be so much simpler to write it using CFile:
CFile f;
if(!f.Open(path, CFile::fileRead))
return; // or otherwise deal with error and do not continue beyond
ULONGLONG len = f.GetLength();
CByteArray buffer;
buffer.SetSize(len + sizeof(TCHAR));
if(!f.Read(buffer.GetData(), (UINT)len))
{ /* failed */
return; // or otherwise stop doing things here
} * failed */
buffer[len] = 0;
if(sizeof(TCHAR) > 1)
buffer[len + 1] = 0;
Note that you don't need to "save the filelength" because it is already in
the buffer
array; there is no need to free the buffer because that happens
automatically when we
leave the scope of this function, etc.
If you want to pass the buffer in, you can pass it in by reference. There
is no need to
create additional variables for all kinds of purposes when you need only
fread (edi, lth, 1, in); //read entire file into edi
fclose (in);
fileSize = (int)lth; //save the filelength for future use
Now you have a few choices. Firstly, do you have an ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE
that the file
contents are NEVER going to be Unicode? This is important.
How long are the files? You will do something different if the files are
tens of bytes or
tens of megabytes.
Is the search string short?
Here's a very simple algorithm:
int i = 0;
CStringA comparand = "Pattern"; // or whatever your pattern is!
{ /* scan file */
LPSTR found = strstr(p, comparand);
{ /* found it */ something
p = found + comparand.GetLength();
} /* found it */
p = found + strlen(found) + 1;
if(p >= &buffer[buffer.GetSize()]
break; // all done
} /* scan file */
This, as written, will find every occurence of the string so if the data
<random hex data>PatternPatternPattern<random hex data>Pattern<random hex
it will find the pattern four times.
If you have tens of megabytes of data, implementing an optimized algorithm
will help. For
example, I might use 'strchr', which is faster than 'strstr', looking for
the first
character of the pattern. Only when I've identified the first character
would I apply
strstr to that point. Other optimizations, including doing something like
the Boyer-Moore
string search, might be possible.
Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
MVP Tips: