Re: Q) CCombobox only displays one item.

"Tom Serface" <>
Fri, 20 Nov 2009 07:13:41 -0800
I agree with David. This shouldn't happen in the 2008 resource editor since
it already makes it big enough for a couple of items so you see it, but in
the past there was no drop down until you did it yourself so the first time
people used the control they saw what you're seeing.

I'd bet if you scrolled using the arrow keys you'd see the items change (if
they are really assigned to the combo).

You may want to turn off sorting too (in the properties) if you want the
items to display in the order you add them.


"Daum" <> wrote in message


I've added several strings into a combobox, but I did see only selected
when I clicked the dropdown button. (please see below sorce code. I only
"A-" when I clicked the droupdown button)

Why i didn't see any other string such as "A+", "A", and etc?

Could you please advise me?

Thank you.


BOOL CGradeDlg::OnInitDialog()

  // TODO: Add extra init
   CString str = _T("A+");
   m_Grade.AddString( str );

   str = _T("A");
   m_Grade.AddString( str );

   str = _T("A-");
   m_Grade.AddString( str );

   str = _T("B+");
   m_Grade.AddString( str );


    return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
   // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

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