on a CDialog based dialog, I have a CTreeCtrl based control that contains
flat list of HTREEITEMs, each with a checkbox. When I add items to it
OnInitDialog, none of the checkboxes appear ticked, even though I set some
of them checked and stepping through the code suggests that they should
That's a "quirk" of the control :)
The Platform SDK docs under the topic "Tree View Control Window
Styles" says:
"If you want to use this style, you must set the TVS_CHECKBOXES style
with SetWindowLong after you create the treeview control, and before
you populate the tree. Otherwise, the checkboxes might appear
unchecked, depending on timing issues.
Something like this is necessary:
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
/* Remove the style */
mTree.ModifyStyle( TVS_CHECKBOXES, 0 );
/* Now explicitly set it */
mTree.ModifyStyle( 0, TVS_CHECKBOXES );
HTREEITEM aItem = mTree.InsertItem("AAA");
return TRUE;
The remove and add TVS_CHECKBOXES did the trick! Thanks.