Re: AfxGetMainWnd () call

mfc <>
Mon, 18 Oct 2010 13:05:29 -0700 (PDT)
On 18 Okt., 21:22, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:

See below...

On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:07:46 -0700 (PDT), mfc <> wr=



Sorry I didn`t understand what you exactly mean. If I call the
dlg.DoModal() method I can`t call any subroutine to do all the

Why not? I presume the reason for calling the modal dialog is to do=

 the verification.

Therefore, the modal dialog would be doing the verification.

That`s true.

Of course, if you just want to show a progress bar or say "busy verify=

ing" you can do this

either by using a modeless dialog or just putting a status message in =

the current dialog.

Because of your and Gorans help I know that a modeless dialog is not a
great idea. Therefore I don`t want to use one. But my display is very
small, so that I do not have the place to add a additional status
message (static field).... I`ll use this method in my webserver.

Modeless dialogs are neither good nor bad, just a tool, whose use might b=

e appropriate or

inappropriate in a given setting. Given what you are trying to accompl=

ish, I think a

modeless dialog just adds complexity, but it isn't all that hard to use o=

ne, as long as

you use it appropriately. Your code was far too complex.

No, this is where you went wrong.

First step: Show dialog indicating verification in progress
Second step: Do verification
Third step: When verification completes, close dialog
Fourth step: If verification succeeded, proceed to next state, otherwi=

se, remain in

current state after issuing error message as to what is wrong

Thanks for your example, but at the moment the dialog is still not
shown because the OnInitDialog() method is called before dlg.DoModal()
as well as the PostMessage.

Did you see which OnInitDialog I was using? I was putting it in the CW=

aitDialog! There

are multiple OnInitDialog functions, and it could not be possibly called =

before the

DoModall because it is the DoModal that invokes it! So it *must* happe=

n *after* the

DoModal, and necessarily before the PostMessage is processed.

Key here is that you must only call the validation from the PostMessage h=



BOOL CWizardDialog::OnWizardFinish()
  CWaitDialog dlg;
  INT_PTR rtn = dlg.DoModal(); //dia=

log is not shown

during the verification OnStartValidation()

  case IDOK:

  case IDCANCEL:
       return FALSE;

  return TRUE;

BOOL CWaitDialog::OnInitDialog()
   PostMessage(UWM_START_VALIDATION, 0, 0);
   return TRUE;

After the return TRUE the dialog should be shown. Note, however, that =

if you manage to

block the message pump, you are in trouble; have you considered doing the=

 validation from

a secondary thread?

Not so far, and that`s the problem. I do the validation in the same
thread which is the main thread.

Maybe I`ve to use another solution, because this would be very
complicated to use another thread for the verification. Because all
the required data (min and max values for some settings...) is
installed in classes running on the mainthread... The only appropriate
solution would be that the wizard is running on a different thread
than the mainthread to acchieve this.

Or I do the verification and if it fails I use a modal dialog showing
the user that there are some values incorrect. All these items have a
red background color which indicate that there`s something wrong....
If the verification was successful, no dialog will be shown and the
user will get back to the main-menue.

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