Re: DDX problem: Is DDX even worth the trouble?

"David Ching" <>
Tue, 29 Aug 2006 02:20:57 GMT
"Ajay Kalra" <> wrote in message

I have *never* ued UpdateData or the DDX mechanism. These have no use
in a large project as validation and binding take a whole new turn. We
tried it and found to be completely handicapped by its limilations. I
think it works well for small projects.

You know Ajay, DDX is used for dialogs. Dialogs are self encapsulated in
both small and large projects. So as far as a CDialog derived class, it
should be written the same no matter how many other files there are in the

I just finished rewriting a simple dialog which called UpdateData() once,
when a push button was pressed to ShellExecute a secondary program. The
UpdateData() loaded the command-line parameters from various controls. It
was simple, it sure cut down on a lot of code, and it worked great. I can
see this dialog being shared among 400 developers, and still working fine.

The only time I've had to not use UpdateData() was when there was a lot of
UpdateData(FALSE) going on, which tended to undo the user's input. But
UpdateData(TRUE) is sure handy.

-- David

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