Re: Basic question regarding checkboxes

"Scott McPhillips [MVP]" <org-dot-mvps-at-scottmcp>
Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:13:59 -0500
<> wrote in message

Hmm, that makes some sense. Just to give you another brief overview
of whats happening


(various code here)

CallFilter (parameters);

Filter (parameters)

(various code)

if x<150
CheckDlgButton(My Application);

Now, if this was C obviously to pass the value from one module to
another, you set a pointer, put this pointer in the function
parameters, and put that in the header files. However, this seems not
to be the case with MFC.

How do I go about creating the pointer to my Dialog box. And I've
heard of the this pointer, but never really used it before.

Cheers again.

Easy, using the method you describe:
// from diaog class
  Filter (this, parameters);

void Filter (CWnd* pDialog, parameters)
   (various code)
    if (x<150)
     pDialog->CheckDlgButton(My Application);

The new parameter could also be a MyApplicationDialog* if you include the
required header file. This would let you call your own dialog functions, in
addition to CDialog/CWnd functions.

Scott McPhillips [VC++ MVP]

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