Re: CEdit

"Tom Serface" <>
Thu, 15 Nov 2007 19:56:42 -0800
It looks like you're trying to set the text in a window from the document.
Where are you doing this code. If you want to set controls initially you
should do it in OnInitDialog(). If you do call it from the view why not
just call GetDocument() rather than going through the stuff with


"Al" <> wrote in message

That did not work very good. Here is the code
   CPLMDoc* pDoc = ((CPLMApp*)AfxGetApp())->m_pDoc;
   CString s;
   s = pDoc->m_League.m_LeagueName;
<Debug Assertion Failed>
<end error>
I have tried to follow the code but in ends up to be in assembly language
before the error occurs. Does someone see what I am doing wrong?
Just Al

"Al" wrote:

Lets see!
I have a CEdit control in a CFormView class. I add text to the control
press a submit button which initiates SetModifiedFlag() so it prompts me
save. I save it to a file & close the application. I reopen the
and load the file back into the application. During the time that it
the file back into the application it sets m_FileLoaded in the document
of a doc view structure to TRUE which is tested in the constructor of the
CFormView class to see if the the controls should be loaded or not.
Anyway in
this sinerio, m_FileLoaded is true calling a function LoadControls in the
CFormView class. Here is the code and my problem.
  CPLMDoc* pDoc = ((CPLMApp*)AfxGetApp())->m_pDoc;

  CString s;
s = pDoc->m_League.m_LeagueName;

Just Al

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