Thanks for the Reply.
Isn't it up to the user to set the mask to LVIF_TEXT, when setting the value
in LVItem.pszText. Hope the user can still set a value to LVItem.pszText
without setting LVIF_TEXT flag. In this case, if user has just set the text
without setting the flag, the option of checking for the flag and retrieving
data will not work out?
When should pDispInfo->item.pszText have value and when shouldn't it have an
value? What i observed is, suppose if the list view control has a value "4".
At the click of List View control pDispInfo->item.pszText is empty and only
when the focus goes out pDispInfo->item.pszText is populated with the value
I am not able to comprehend how the below casting works
NMLVDISPINFO *pDispInfo = reinterpret_cast<NMLVDISPINFO*>(pNMHDR);
How are the values in NMHDR converted to NMLVDISPINFO?
Please point me to a simple article without much complications, from whcih
NMLVDISINFO could be learned.
Alamelu N
"Tom Serface" wrote:
As David says, you should text for the LVIF_TEXT before using this buffer.
This routine gets called for lots of different reasons. This article may be
interesting to you:
Also, when setting the text be sure you don't exceed the buffer.
"Alamelu" <> wrote in message
In the below code "pDispInfo->item.pszText" is holding some address and is
pointing to some junk value only in release mode, which gives me a
expection in that line. But in debug mode "pDispInfo->item.pszText" is
void ClassA::OnBeginEditList(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult,CListCtrl
NMLVDISPINFO *pDispInfo = reinterpret_cast<NMLVDISPINFO*>(pNMHDR);
CString strData = pDispInfo->item.pszText ; //Gives uncaught expection
Can any body guess why would "pDispInfo->item.pszText" point to some
and hold some junk value when we begin to edit List view control. But
logically "pDispInfo->item.pszText" should be NULL when we begin to edit
control, isn't it? Why this strange behaviour happens only in release mode
Is there any flag, to check if "pDispInfo->item.pszText" holds any value
accordingly retrieve?
Alamelu N