RE: How to handle KeyDown event of CListCtrl?
People use subclassing method to customize message in control.
MFC seems to control message in your way,
But, It's sometimes not work properly
I believe that you can get right answer to use subclassing.
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"Landon" wrote:
I use Visual C++ 4.2 Professional and I am developing an application with a
CPropertySheet as the main window and 6 CPropertyPages as the sub window.
In each CPropertyPage there is a CListCtrl in a Report view style and a
My question is:
1. If the selection / focus is on one of the CListCtrl item and user press
the Return key, then it must open a new modal dialog to show the content of
items. Or if I double-click on the item or I click the Button with focus on
the CListCtrl, it will open a new modal dialog showing the content of the
How to do that?
I have tried the LVN_KEYDOWN and the NM_RETURN, but when I test the
application and I press Return, it still quitting application, executing the
Window CDialog::OnOk().
Here is my code:
void CKKCDlg::OnKeydownKKCList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
if ( pLVKeyDow->wVKey == VK_RETURN )
*pResult = 0;
What is wrong or is there something missing in above code?
If I must use the PreTranslateMessage, can you please tell me where I should
put the code since I use CPropertyPages and CPropertySheet?
I look forward to hear from you soon.
Thank you very much.
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