Re: How to Make CListCtrl Not Show Contents While Resizing Column

"AliR" <AliR@online.nospam>
Fri, 4 Aug 2006 15:04:18 -0500
My bad, when I read this

   CHeaderCtrl* pHeaderCtrl = GetHeaderCtrl();
   pHeaderCtrl->ModifyStyle(0, HDS_FULLDRAG);
   m_pNewHeaderCtrl = new CMyHeaderCtrl();

I didn't see the difference between the variable names! I looked like you
were calling GetHeaderCtrl() and then overriding what it gave you with new

Anyway, this worked for me, I put this in the OnInitDialog of the parent

May I ask why you are subclassing the header control?


<> wrote in message

AliR wrote:

How about GetHeaderCtrl()->ModifyStyle(...);

That's equivalent to my first method which didn't work.

At least this way you won't have any memory leaks

What memory leaks? Directly dereferencing GetHeaderCtrl() instead of
storing it in a pointer and dereferencing that has no impact on memory
leaks. As for my later allocations, I free the memory later on.


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