Re: WaitFor Function for Dialog / Window

"Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]" <rbv@nospam.nospam>
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 15:14:54 -0500
"Trecius" <> wrote in message

Hello, Newsgroupians:

This is not the ideal group for this kind of question. You might get better
results from platformsdk.user.

I have created a program that interacts with a third-party program to
I do not have source code. I want my program to interact with some
in the foreign application, but only if it does not see a specific dialog,
which resides in the foreign application. I can obtain the handle to the
dialog. If the dialog box is not there, I want my code to interact, but
the handle is not NULL, I want my program to do something similar to

I've looked at the thread and process for the foreign application's main
window and the dialog box I have an interest in, but both are same, so I
can't just wait for the process. I can think of one method to solve my
problem by injecting a new window procedure. However, this is lengthy,
I'm not in the mood to implement it. Is there any other solution besides

HWND hwnd;
 hwnd = FindWindowEx(...);
} while (hwnd);

Polling is a viable option, although you needn't necessarily rerun
FindWindowEx every time through the loop, just IsWindow or such may be much
more efficient.

Offhand, I think the clipboard chain sends a notification if the clipboard
owner is destroyed. I'm not sure whether you can set the clipboard owner to
a window in another process, and this certainly wouldn't scale to multiple
windows, but it would be efficient if you can make it work.

All other things I can think of require code running in the target process.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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