Re: How to - SDI

"David Ching" <>
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 11:11:25 -0800
"Joseph M. Newcomer" <> wrote in message

Perhaps because the students have zero years of experience and the teacher
has 15 years
experience dealing with the reality of MFC applications? Maybe what I do
for a living
carries some weight for people who have never done it? I have yet to find
a situation in
which someone asked for an SDI app and did NOT change their mind and want
MDI. Sometimes
they come to me and say "We started this as an SDI app, now we want MDI,
can you fix it
for us? The guy who did it is long gone." In the first few years, I got
good at this
conversion, because they always asked for SDI but ended up wanting MDI.
And "untold
thousands" does not suggest that those apps always make sense. I once
bought an app that
was SDI, while its predecessor had been a DOS version of an MDI
app...seriously, I could
have multiple files open in the MS-DOS version. In the Windows version,
only one, and the
"clipboard" still used the "internal" mechanism from the MS-DOS version so
I could not
copy objects from one file into another file!

Or, to use another quote I am fond of "Just because it is possible doesn't
mean it makes
sense". My job is to teach people the reality of building apps, not some
model that someone at Microsoft thought of in the early 1990s. Reality
for me has
consistently been that anyone who asks for SDI does so out of ignorance.
As soon as they
see the product, or as soon as their customers see it, they want MDI.

Universal use of MDI over SDI is an opinion. Just like avoiding
UpdateData(). There may well be reasons to do so, but those reasons are not
universal. Myself, I have used both SDI and MDI successfully and would not
say one is universally better. The fact that with some shenanigans you can
dumb down MDI to look and feel like SDI is certainly a plug to use it, but
as I haven't memorized exactly those shenanigans, perhaps I don't want to
deal with it when I'm just starting my app, which for the foreseeable future
need only be SDI. Indeed, MDI is harder for people to use. Windows are
easily lost behind others, etc. Why do you think MS made Office SDI and
recommended people stay away from MDI in general?

-- David

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