Re: How to remove a named pipe (win32)

"Doug Harrison [MVP]" <>
Tue, 23 Jan 2007 12:55:40 -0600
On 23 Jan 2007 09:41:32 -0800, "Nuno Magalhaes"
<> wrote:

Are you creating any processes that inherit the pipe handles?


I suppose the two pipes have different names, right?


Are you doing this in a loop, or multiple times during an application run?

Multiple times. The problem is: when the pipenames exist I can't do
another OpenServer (exits with error)/OpenClient (hangs).

Does this ever happen the first time you attempt it after a reboot?

When I quit the application all becomes normal, because the pipe names
are deleted.

The error occurs after trying the open many times in my application.
For example, only at the 50th open that error occurs. Which maybe
suggests that must be multithread issues. Don't you aggree?

Yes, it sounds like a race condition.

The real problem is how do I delete the pipe names. And why are they
failing to delete sometimes.

Just as a test, try Sleep(5000) after you fail to open and then retry. Log
the failure/retry with OutputDebugString and view the output using
DebugView so you don't lose track of what's happening. You might also
instrument all the open/close calls in this way, but try the Sleep first as
it's least intrusive and shouldn't affect the presumed race condition
except to resolve it, albeit it in an undesirable way.

Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP

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