Re: drag and drop clistview column problem
Did you specify the LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP style when you created the list
control? You could also change this through the list control using the
SetExtendedStyle() function.
"Gene.Sewell" <> wrote in message
I'm trying to implement drag and drop columns with clistview controls in
report mode.
I've got a subclassed header control, and use owner draw, but I think
should behave normally?
After the HDN_ENDDRAG event (on Notify) I find to my surprise, that the
header now has different widths than the underlying clistctrl columns. I
resize columns using the header control, but the control is confused about
widths, etc.
I've tried to resize both columns and headers after the event, and I can
change the size, but they are no longer connected - header and listctrl.
Anyone have any advice? I can't figure out how to proceed.