Re: Share .cpp and .h along projects

"Doug Harrison [MVP]" <>
Tue, 21 Aug 2007 11:48:07 -0500
On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 17:16:11 -0500, "Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]"
<rbv@nospam.nospam> wrote:

Common sense dictates using the highest-level abstraction available unless
there's a good, specific reason to do otherwise. If, when someone says
"mutex", as I repeatedly did, you think "InterlockedXXX", well, it's just
hard to understand why.

I agree. You asked me to show how a volatile pointer could be used to
protect a C++ class object and I did so. I didn't say that it was the best,
most readable, or anything like that.

To be fair, you introduced it into the conversation. My purpose in asking
you to expand on what you meant by:

any larger object can be controlled in a threadsafe manner using a volatile
pointer (which is word-sized) and memory barriers.

was to learn more about what you were claiming for "volatile". (That's why
I also said to imagine uniprocessor or SMP x86 and forget about MBs.) I was
surprised by the InterlockedXXX reply, because no one would use that method
as an alternative to mutexes (except perhaps on an exceedingly rare basis),
which is what I had been referring to for a couple of messages. I was
expecting an answer in terms of mutexes.

BTW, why _exactly_ did you use volatile in your declaration of
g_sharedVector? (Based on the declaration of
InterlockedExchangePointerAcquire, it shouldn't even compile.)

No answer? I really would like to hear what you think volatile

Well, there is no "InterlockedExchangePointerAcquire".

Well, it is what you used in your example. :)

It's also documented in MSDN:

There's an "InterlockedExchangePointer"

That's fine, too. The signatures are the same, so it doesn't affect my

which does declare the parameter as a pointer
to a volatile (and yes, a void*, so g_sharedVector could either be made a
volatile void* or a cast could be used).

No, if your pointer p has the type:

   volatile void*

then based on the declaration of InterlockedExchangePointer, &p will
require a cast, too. I was hoping that hinting at the declaration problem
would get you to talk about what you think volatile actually does in the
example you posted WRT to what you said earlier:

any larger object can be controlled in a threadsafe manner using a volatile
pointer (which is word-sized) and memory barriers.

(Again, scratch "memory barriers" and talk about uniprocessor or x86 SMP.)

If f2 is not dllexport, and its address is not taken (and it isn't reachable
from any function that has an address taken -- this is going to save you
because it is reachable from some ThreadProc which has an address taken and
passed to CreateThread, ... unless of course f2 happens to be called only
from the main thread).

Note that it isn't enough to recognize just CreateThread. It has to
recognize MyCreateThread in my opaque DLL, but I have no way to tell it
MyCreateThread is a "thread creation" function. And that's just the tip of
the iceberg.

So, what if f2 is WinMain (and has appropriate
WinMain behavior above and below the mutex access)? I'm pretty sure that if
we work at this long enough, the compiler is going to determine through
aliasing analysis that neither lock nor unlock nor g change x, and that it
is safe to optimize away the second access in f1.

In a nutshell, the compiler would have to find all the functions that
modify x and generate their call graphs. Then it would have to recognize
all the ways for functions appearing in those graphs to become callable
directly or indirectly from lock/unlock. Any of those functions whose
address is passed to some opaque function kills the optimization, because
the opaque function could potentially save the pointer for later use by
lock/unlock. So for example, if f2 is called directly or indirectly by a
Windows message handler, the optimization must be killed since f2 is
reachable from the WndProc, whose address is passed to an opaque Windows
API. This is all very time-consuming and will usually result in a dead-end.
It's a lot easier to assume globals are reachable from opaque functions,
and AFAIK, that's what the compiler does. It gives the desired semantics
for multithreaded programming with synchronization, and it's what I've
observed by constructing the simplest possible example for it to try to
optimize. It doesn't optimize it.

Sorry, the correct declaration of g_sharedVector is:
volatile void* g_sharedVector;
or else a cast is needed to make it compatible with

Again, that doesn't help at all. You would still need a cast when you say
&g_sharedVector, because you put the volatile in the wrong place. So what
is volatile supposed to accomplish in your example? How does your example
demonstrate what you said:

any larger object can be controlled in a threadsafe manner using a volatile
pointer (which is word-sized) and memory barriers.

What do you think your use of volatile accomplishes in your example?

Actually you need a cast either on
either the parameter or the return value, but that's normal for
InterlockedCompareExchangePointer. Typically I would write a templated
wrapper to hide the cast and ensure that the input and return value have
matching type.

Why exactly did I put volatile in the declaration, when the compiler allows
it to be implicitly added? For the same reason that I declare immutable
variables with const -- to prevent them from being used in an inappropriate

But you asserted that using volatile is necessary to prevent the compiler
from performing unsafe optimizations. I'd like you to explain how it does
that in your example. About the "inappropriate context", see below.

Anyway, in your example, what do you think would be the performance hit of
declaring x as volatile if, as you seem to think, the compiler cannot
optimize access to x because of the presence of function calls.

Not just "function calls", but "opaque function calls". Using the
pre-VC2005 volatile means the compiler will never cache the value, so it
goes to memory for every access. The VC2005 and later volatile adds memory
barrier overhead to this, which is even worse. Both represent unnecessary
overhead inside a critical section, where access to that variable is
single-threaded and should be subject to the usual optimizations. In
addition, make x a volatile std::vector or just about any class, and you
have to cast volatile away to use it, because no one declares their member
functions volatile. Besides being a pain, casting volatile away from an
object originally declared volatile and referring to the object through the
non-volatile lvalue is undefined.

Then there's this:

struct X
   int* const p;

Mutex mx;
volatile X x = { new int(0) };

void f()
   int* p = x.p; // Fine

   // use *p

   // use *p

void f2()

Making x volatile doesn't help, because volatile doesn't penetrate very far
at all. That's the sort of thing I was getting at several messages ago. The
compiler won't detect this "usage in an inappropriate context", namely
initializing p with x.p, which is another reason it's a bad idea to try to
hijack volatile for multithreading purposes.

Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP

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