Re: Convert C++ into VC 2005

Ulrich Eckhardt <>
Tue, 09 Oct 2007 08:58:48 +0200
PetterL wrote:

I'm new to C++ but trying to compile some code into a Dll but i get the
following errors when compiling the code

Error 1 error C2440: 'default argument' : cannot convert from 'const char
[1]' to 'CString' k:\c++ kode\sb5dll-1\sb5dll-1\station_source\queues.h 20
Error 2 fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s);
stopping compilation k:\c++ kode\sb5dll-1\sb5dll-1\station_source\queues.h

here is a part of the code where the error appears

[...snipped irrelevant code, please do that yourself next time...]

CQueAlert(int AlertID, int LockID, CString AlertDesc = "");
here it points to

Two things:
1. CString is TCHAR-based, hence the suggestion from Mark to use a TCHAR
string literal _T("").
2. You can use an empty CString object:
  function( ..., CString desc = CString());
or alternatively use two overloaded functions:
  function( ...);
  function( ..., CString desc);

virtual ~CQueAlert() {};

                         ^ no.

This is not syntactically wrong because it is inside a class definition, but
it is logically wrong. Further, you don't need to provide a destructor if
the compiler-provided one works for you.


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