Re: is this MFC? + Book recommendations?

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Fri, 07 Dec 2007 18:41:23 GMT
These are all Windows SDK functions that you are using.

MFC is a set of C++ classes built on top of the SDK by Microsoft. Their
entire purpose in life is to make windows programming easier, cleaner, and
more reusable.

In order to make any recommendations we would probably need to know what it
is that you are trying to do.


"David Deley" <> wrote in message

I program in CMAC, which is a homegrown language invented about
two decades ago for writing text editors in.

We import and make direct calls to a lot of functions from the
following libraries:


Would these be considered MFC functions, or what category would
these be under?

Also, are there any other books or documentation that would be good
for me to read? (I have Newcomb's book)

These are the functions we import (we don't use them all):

import Bool MessageBeep
import int MessageBox
import Bool MoveWindow
import Bool PeekMessage
import Bool PostMessage
import Bool RedrawWindow
import int RegisterWindowMessage
import int ReleaseDC
import Bool ScreenToClient
import int SendDlgItemMessage
import int SendDlgItemMessageStr
import int SendMessage
import int SendMessageStr
import HWnd SetActiveWindow
import DWord SetForegroundWindow
import Bool SetDlgItemInt
import Bool SetDlgItemText
import HWnd SetFocus
import HWnd SetParent
import Bool ShowWindow
import Bool SetWindowPos
import int BeginDeferWindowPos
import int DeferWindowPos
import Bool EndDeferWindowPos
import Bool SetWindowText
import Bool TranslateMessage
import Bool UpdateWindow
import int AnimateWindow
import int UpdateLayeredWindow
import int SetLayeredWindowAttributes

import DWord GetSystemMetrics
import Bool GetClientRect
import Bool IsWindowVisible
import HWnd GetDesktopWindow
import Bool IsIconic
import Bool SetRect
import Bool IntersectRect
import Bool IsZoomed
import Bool GetCaretPos
import Bool HideCaret
import Bool ShowCaret
import Bool GetTextMetrics
import Bool GetWindowPlacement
import Bool SetWindowPlacement
import HMenu GetSystemMenu
import int GetMenuItemCount
import int GetMenuItemID
import Bool ModifyMenu
import Bool DeleteMenu

import DWord GetDriveType
import Bool GetKeyboardState
import Bool SetKeyboardState
import DWord ToAscii
import DWord MapVirtualKey
import int GetKeyState
import int GetAsyncKeyState
import void Keybd_Event
import Bool KillTimer
import DWord SetTimer

import HRsrc FindResource
import HRsrc FindResourceP
import Bool FreeResource
import THandle GetModuleHandle
import HGlobal GlobalAlloc
import HGlobal GlobalFree
import Pointer GlobalLock
import Bool GlobalUnlock
import int GetVersion
import HGlobal LoadResource
import DWord GetPrivateProfileInt
import DWord GetPrivateProfileString
import DWord GetProfileInt
import DWord GetProfileString
import Bool WritePrivateProfileString
import Bool WritePrivateProfileString1
import Bool WritePrivateProfileString2
import Bool WritePrivateProfileString3
import Bool WriteProfileString

import HDC BeginPaint
import Bool BringWindowToTop
import Bool ClientToScreen
import HWnd CreateWindowEx
import int DefWindowProc
import Bool DestroyWindow
import int DispatchMessage
import int DrawText
import Bool EnableWindow
import Bool EndPaint
import DWord FillRect
import HWnd FindWindow
import HWnd FindWindowN
import HWnd FindWindowC
import HWnd GetActiveWindow
import int GetClassName
import DWord GetWindowThreadProcessId
import HDC GetDC
import HDC GetWindowDC
import HWnd GetDlgItem
import DWord GetDlgCtrlID
import int GetDlgItemText
import int GetDlgItemTextPtr
import int GetDlgItemInt
import HWnd GetFocus
import Bool GetMessage
import int GetMessagePos
import HWnd GetParent
import DWord GetSysColor
import HWnd GetTopWindow
import Bool GetUpdateRect
import HWnd GetWindow
import Bool GetWindowRect
import int GetWindowText
import Bool InvalidateRect
import Bool ValidateRect
import BOOL IsChild
import int IsDlgButtonChecked
import Bool IsDialogMessage
import Bool IsWindow
import Bool IsWindowEnabled
import HBitmap LoadBitmap
import HIcon LoadIcon
import HIcon LoadIconInt

import int ShowCursor
import Bool SetCursorPos
import HCursor SetCursor
import Bool GetCursorPos
import HCursor LoadCursor
import HCursor LoadCursorSystem

import int ShowWindowAsync
import int FlashWindow
import int FlashWindowEx
import int ShowOwnedPopups

import HDC CreateDC
import Bool DeleteDC
import HFont CreateFont
import HFont CreateFontIndirect
import HBrush CreateSolidBrush
import HBrush CreateHatchBrush
import HDC CreateCompatibleDC
import Bool DeleteObject
import Bool ExtTextOut
import int GetObject
import THandle GetStockObject
import int GetTextFace
import Bool Rectangle
import HGDIObj SelectObject
import HPalette SelectPalette
import int SetBkColor
import int SetBkMode
import TColorRef SetTextColor
import DWord SetStretchBltMode
import Bool StretchBlt

import DWord CreateProcess
import DWord CloseHandle
import DWord GetExitCodeProcess
import DWord GetLastError

import Bool TrackPopupMenu
import Bool TrackPopupMenuEx
import Bool InsertMenuItem
import Bool GetMenuItemInfo
import Bool SetMenuItemInfo
import int GetMenuDefaultItem
import Bool SetMenuDefaultItem
import Bool GetMenuItemRect
import int MenuItemFromPoint
import HMenu GetMenu
import int GetMenuString
import HMenu GetSubMenu
import Bool DrawMenuBar
import Bool DestroyMenu
import Bool EnableMenuItem
import Bool CheckMenuItem
import HMenu CreatePopupMenu
import HMenu CreateMenu
import Bool InsertMenu
import Bool AppendMenu
import Bool SetMenuItemBitmaps

import int GetDeviceCaps
import int GetMessageTime
import DWord GetCurrentDirectory
import DWord GetWindowLong
import Dword SetWindowLong
import int GetWindowsDirectory

import Bool WinHelp
import Bool WinHelpStr

import Bool DrawEdge
import int WaitForInputIdle
import int WaitForSingleObject
import int GetDialogBaseUnits
import int SetErrorMode
import int GetLogicalDrives
import Bool SetForegroundWindow
import int GetKeyNameText
import Bool GetVersionEx
import DWord GetTickCount

import DWord RegCloseKey
import DWord RegConnectRegistry
import DWord RegCreateKey
import DWord RegCreateKeyEx
import DWord RegDeleteKey
import DWord RegDeleteValue
import DWord RegEnumKey
import DWord RegEnumKeyEx
import DWord RegEnumValue
import DWord RegFlushKey
import DWord RegGetKeySecurity
import DWord RegLoadKey
import DWord RegNotifyChangeKeyValue
import DWord RegOpenKey
import DWord RegOpenKeyEx
import DWord RegQueryInfoKey
import DWord RegQueryValue
import DWord RegQueryMultipleValues
import DWord RegQueryValueEx
import DWord RegReplaceKey
import DWord RegRestoreKey
import DWord RegSaveKey
import DWord RegSetKeySecurity
import DWord RegSetValue
import DWord RegSetValueEx
import DWord RegUnLoadKey

import Bool LockWindowUpdate
import void OutputDebugString
import int GetEnvironmentVariable
import ATOM GlobalAddAtom
import ATOM GlobalDeleteAtom
import VOID GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
import BOOL FileTimeToLocalFileTime
import BOOL FileTimeToDosDateTime
import void GetSystemTime
import int GetDateFormat
import int GetTimeFormat
import HWnd GetDesktopWindow
import int GetSystemDirectory
import void GetSystemInfo
import void GlobalMemoryStatus
import void DeleteFile
import HWnd SetCapture
import Bool ReleaseCapture
import HWnd GetCapture

import Int IsValidCodePage
import Int GetACP
import Int GetOEMCP
import Int GetCPInfo
import Int GetCPInfoExA
import Int GetCPInfoExW
import Int IsDBCSLeadByte
import Int IsDBCSLeadByteEx
import Int MultiByteToWideChar
import Int WideCharToMultiByte
import Int CompareStringA
import Int CompareStringW
import int LCMapStringA
import int LCMapStringW
import int GetLocaleInfoA
import int GetLocaleInfoW
import Int SetLocaleInfoA
import Int SetLocaleInfoW
import int GetTimeFormatA
import int GetTimeFormatW
import int GetDateFormatA
import int GetDateFormatW
import int GetNumberFormatA
import int GetNumberFormatW
import int GetCurrencyFormatA
import int GetCurrencyFormatW
import Int EnumCalendarInfoA
import Int EnumCalendarInfoW
import Int EnumTimeFormatsA
import Int EnumTimeFormatsW
import Int EnumDateFormatsA
import Int EnumDateFormatsW
import Int IsValidLocale
import int ConvertDefaultLocale
import int GetThreadLocale
import Int SetThreadLocale
import word GetSystemDefaultLangID
import word GetUserDefaultLangID
import int GetSystemDefaultLCID
import int GetUserDefaultLCID
import Int GetStringTypeExA
import Int GetStringTypeExW
import Int GetStringTypeA
import Int GetStringTypeW
import int FoldStringA
import int FoldStringW
import Int EnumSystemLocalesA
import Int EnumSystemLocalesW
import Int EnumSystemCodePagesA
import Int EnumSystemCodePagesW
import void Sleep

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