RE: function template

=?Utf-8?B?TWFuanJlZSBHYXJn?= <garg@newsgroup.nospam>
Tue, 14 Aug 2007 05:20:00 -0700
Hello Charles

  Thanks for the reply.
I am doing exactly the same as you suggested. Here is all the code.

//class declaration
ref class CListCtrlSetup
    template<class T> void InsColumn(T& lst, DataTable^ table);

and the function declaration is

template<class T>
void CListCtrlSetup::InsColumn(T& lst, System::Data::DataTable^ table)
     DataColumnCollection^ columns = table->Columns;
     DataColumn^ column;
     CString str;
     int i, col = columns->Count;
     for(i=0; i<col; i++){
         column = columns[i];
         str = column->ColumnName;
         lst.InsertColumn(i, str);
 catch(Exception^ e)
    MessageBox::Show(e->Message, L".NET Exception Thrown",

The class T could be of type CListCtrl or CCheckListCtrl.

//To invoke the function in CDatabaseView class

sqlDb = gcnew CDatabaseConn(); //SQL Server 2005 connection class
plstCtrl = gcnew CListCtrlSetup();
CListCtrl& lst = GetListCtrl();
DataTable^ table = sqlDb->suppliersTable;

but still giving the same error.

error LNK2020: unresolved token (0600000F)



"Charles Wang[MSFT]" wrote:

Hi Manjree,
I noticed that there was no implementation of your CListCtrlSetup
constructor. Also, I did not see your invoker code snippets. Could you
please post all of them for further research?

I changed your code as following and it worked fine:
#pragma once

ref class CListCtrlSetup
    template<class T> void InsColumn(T& lst, System::Data::DataTable^ table);


template<class T>
void CListCtrlSetup::InsColumn(T& lst, System::Data::DataTable^ table)
     System::Data::DataColumnCollection^ columns = table->Columns;
     System::Data::DataColumn^ column;
     CString str;
     int i, col = columns->Count;
     for(i=0; i<col; i++){
         column = columns[i];
         str = column->ColumnName;
         lst.InsertColumn(i, str);
 catch(System::Exception^ e)
     System::Windows::Forms::MessageBox::Show(e->Message, L".NET Exception

//invoker code snippets
#include "CListCtrlSetup.h"
                CMyListView vv;
    CListCtrl& lst = vv.GetListCtrl();
    CListCtrlSetup^ s = gcnew CListCtrlSetup();
    System::Data::DataTable^ t = gcnew System::Data::DataTable("test");

You may refer to my code snippets to see if it can help you resove this
issue. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to let
me know.

Best regards,
Charles Wang
Microsoft Online Community Support
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