Re: CDaoTableDef::OpenRecordset()

Geoff Turnbull <>
Mon, 08 Dec 2008 12:57:14 -0800
This works fine if the table is not linked; if I Import the same table,
the same code works perfectly. So in that sense, yes, I've tried all
those things. Also, the suggestions go to
CDaoTableDef::OpenRecordset(), which I'm not calling directly; it's
called by my call to CDaoRecordset::Open(dbOpenTable).

Victor wrote:

See below...

"Geoff Turnbull" <> wrote in message

e 0x008fcbe0 {CDaoException}
+ CException {CException}
- m_pErrorInfo 0x008fcc48
m_lErrorCode 0x00000c93 (3219)
+ m_strDescription {"Invalid operation."}
+ m_strHelpFile {"jeterr40.chm"}
m_lHelpContext 0x004c57d3
m_scode 0x800a0c93
m_nAfxDaoError 0xcdcdcdcd
+ m_pDAOError 0x00000000
+ m_pDAOErrors 0x00249290

From jeterr40.chm:
Invalid operation. (Error 3219)
Possible causes:

You tried to write to a read-only property. See the Help topic for the
property to determine whether it is read/write.
You tried to use a method or property on a type of Recordset object that
the method or property does not apply to. See the Recordset object summary
topic to determine which methods and properties apply to a given type of
Recordset object.
You tried to append a property to a Properties collection of an object
that does not support user-defined properties.
You tried to use the Update method on a read-only Recordset object.

Does this get us any closer?

Well, it's up to you now to check all these possibilities of the error to
may occur...
Didn't you try it?



Victor wrote:

Don't you use the try/catch(CDaoException* e) blocks to get the extended
error/problem information?


"Geoff Turnbull" <> wrote in message

MSVC 6.0, MFC app fails to CDaoRecordset::OpenRecSet() on a linked table
in an Access 2000 mdb file.

DAO Call Failed.
COleVariant((long)m_nOpenType), COleVariant((long)m_nOptions),
In file daocore.cpp on line 3323
scode = 800A0C93

I suspect that this is because linking the table does not provide access
to its tabledef. Is this so?
Is there a way around it?
Thanks, Geoff

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