Is there a better way to access the data of a template class?

Walter Eicher <>
Fri, 15 May 2009 14:01:11 +0200

I try to make a tiny wrapper for the sqlite3 database.

My idea for declaring a record

  class TRecord
    DBColumn<Int> mKey;
    DBColumn<std::wstring> mText;
    DBColumn<CTimeDate> mDate;

the DBColumn template declaration would then look like this:

  template<class T>
  class DBColumn
          DBColumn ();
          ~DBColumn () { }

          operator T () const { return mData; }
    T operator= (const T&);
    T operator+ (const T&) const;
    T operator+= (const T&);
    bool operator== (const T&) const;
    bool operator!= (const T&) const;
    bool operator< (const T&) const;
    bool operator> (const T&) const;
    bool operator<= (const T&) const;
    bool operator>= (const T&) const;

    T mData;

When I started implementing this idea I had some problems to use, and
to access the data of the template. The only (some what clumsy)
solution I found looks like this:

I declared an abstracte class for a record column:

  class VColumn
    typedef enum EColType { eCol_DATE,

    VColumn (const std::wstring& colName,
             EColType type,
             bool primaryKey);
    virtual ~VColumn () = 0;

    std::wstring ColName () const { return mName; }
    EColType ColType () const { return mType; }
    bool PrimaryKey () const { return mPrimaryKey; }
    void* DataPtr () const { return mDataPtr; }

    std::wstring mName;
    EColType mType;
    bool mPrimaryKey;
    void* mDataPtr;

the record is now a vector of VColum

  typedef std::vector<VColumn*> DBRecord;

and the template for the real columns looks now like this:

  template<class T>
  class DBColumn : public VColumn
          DBColumn (const std::wstring& colName,
                       EColType type,
                       bool primaryKey);
          ~DBColumn () { }

          operator T () const { return mData; }
    T operator= (const T&);
    T operator+ (const T&) const;
    T operator+= (const T&);
    bool operator== (const T&) const;
    bool operator!= (const T&) const;
    bool operator< (const T&) const;
    bool operator> (const T&) const;
    bool operator<= (const T&) const;
    bool operator>= (const T&) const;

    T mData;

In the constructor of the DBColum template the VColumn member mDataPtr
is set with the address of the mData template member.
  template<class T>
  DBColumn<T>::DBColumn (const std::wstring& name,
                         EColType type,
                         bool primaryKey)
  : VColumn (name, type, primaryKey)
    mDataPtr = static_cast<void*>(&mData);

to complete, I need also an abstracte class for the record

  class VRecord
               VRecord () {}
    virtual ~VRecord () = 0;

    void AddCol (VColumn* col);

    DBRecord Record () const { return mRecord; }

    DBRecord mRecord;

  void VRecord::AddCol (VColumn* col)
    mRecord.push_back (col);

Within the application I have to define the record like this:
  class TRecord : public VRecord
    TRecord ();
    ~TRecord () {}

    DBColumn<Int> mKey;
    DBColumn<std::wstring> mText;
    DBColumn<CTimeDate> mDate;

and to declare it like that:

  TRecord::TRecord ()
  : mKey (_T("KEY"), VColumn::eCol_INT, true),
     mText (_T("TEXT"), VColumn::eCol_TEXT, false),
     mDate (_T("DATE"), VColumn::eCol_DATE, false)
    AddCol (&mKey);
    AddCol (&mText);
    AddCol (&mDate);

To make not a longer post as really needed, here only the Database
AddRecord function:

  class TSimpleDataBase
    void AddRecord (const VRecord& rec);

  using namespace std;
  void TSimpleDataBase::AddRecord (const VRecord& rec)
    LPCTSTR ctx = _T("TSimpleDB::AddRecord");

    if (mDB == NULL)
      throw TException (_T("DB not open!"), ctx);

    TFormat sci;
    sci.Scientific ();
    sci.Precision (16);

    wstring s = _T("INSERT INTO ") + mTableName + _T(" VALUES (");

    DBRecord dbr = rec.Record ();
    for (UInt i = 0; i < dbr .size (); ++i)
      Tstringstream ss; // typedef basic_stringstream<TCHAR>

      VDBColumn* col = rec[i];

      switch (col->FieldType ())
      case eDBField_DATE:
          TTimeDate val = *static_cast<TTimeDate*>(col->DataPtr ());
          ss << val.GetTime ();

      case eDBField_INT:
          Int val = *static_cast<Int*>(col->DataPtr ());
          ss << val;

      case eDBField_DOUBLE:
          Double val = *static_cast<Double*>(col->DataPtr ());
          ss << sci(val);

      case eDBField_TEXT:
          Tstring* p = static_cast<Tstring*> (col->DataPtr ());
      Tstring val = *p;
          ss << _T("'") << val << _T("'");

      throw TException (_T("create table, illegal column type!"),

    s += ss.str ();

    if (i < mRecordDef.size () - 1)
      s += _T(", ");
  s += _T(")");

  sqlite3_stmt* stmt;

  int rc = sqlite3_prepare16_v2 (mDB, s.c_str (), -1, &stmt, NULL);

  if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
    throw TException (_T("prepare add record failed!"), ctx);

  sqlite3_step (stmt);

  if (sqlite3_finalize (stmt) != SQLITE_OK)
    throw TException (_T("add record failed!"), ctx);

here you see the access to the template value via the VColumn DataPtr
function as example for a double column.

  Double val = *static_cast<Double*>(col->DataPtr ());

Looks clumsy and in my eyes a little bit dangerous ;-)

What I like is how easy I can use the Database within an application.

What I dont like is the complicatet implementation to reach that goal.
Maybe there is no other way to do it, then i can live with it because
it works.

All comments are welcome, mostly preferred good ideas ;-)

Kind regards

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