Re: PreTranslateMessage

"vvf" <>
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 12:07:35 +0300
Hi Dave,

Check for WM_CHAR first.
If it's one of those, then I've got an ASCII character. Handle it.

Then if it's a WM_KEYDOWN
Check to see if its an ASCII character.
If so just let it go to the base class, and I'll get it as WM_CHAR
If not, handle it.


Thanks. I got it to work following your method although I'm not sure I
understand why it is working and if I'm doing things right.

Here is what I did:

I wanted to write a test and see if I can distinguish the VK_UP from regular

Here is the code:

if (pMsg->message == WM_CHAR)
   // it is a char
   return CStatic::PretranslateMessage(pMsg);

if (pMsg->messsage == WM_KEYDOWN)
   // check and see if it is ASCII
   if (pMsg->wParam >= 32 && pMsg->wParam <= 126 && pMsg->wParam != VK_UP)
         // It is ASCII; Note: I noticed that VK_UP is defined as "38" and
somehow '&' in the ASCII table is also 38.
         // I don't understand how it can distinguish between the "&" and
VK_UP. It probably finds out later that this 38
         // refers to a VK_UP and not a char so it does not synthetise a
char, correct ?
         // If I leave out the pMsg->wParam != VK_UP, then my control never
catches VK_UP.

        if (pMsg->wParam == VK_UP)
               // User pressed the arrow up
         return TRUE;
return CStatic::PretranslateMessage(pMsg);

Does it seem right? Thanks.

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