Re: start a web page
When you start a browser and type in an URL to a page, and that page
is then given to you by a PHP script, and that script is executed by
the machine IRL resolves to. Result of all that is that your browser
displays a page produced by said script on another machine.
But you say "I want to execute a script". To me, at least, that
precludes a php script on your machine, and a perl interpreter, and
you run your interpreter pointing it to your script.
So, what is the end result you are trying to achieve?
Here is a small description of my application.
I have a C++ application which is waiting data from a barcode scanner.
As soon data are available, I insert them into a database located on a web
I use ODBC connector to access to the database.
After inserting, the web site have to process the new data and send an email
that data are processed correctly.
The web site is written in PHP, so I just have to start the good php page of
the web site, that is the reason why I have proposed to start a process
with firefox.exe http://website/processpage.php
That a remote host runs the script, or that you run a script?
The script is on a website.
If the former, then the easiest way I can think o is MFCs support for
WinInet. Off the top of my head, you do e.g.:
CHttpConnection connection;
std::auto_ptr<CHttpFile> PFile(connection.OpenRequest(NULL,
DWORD dwStatusCode
if (PFile->SendRequest() && PFile->QueryInfoStatusCode(&dwStatusCode)
&& dwStatusCode == HTTP_STATUS_OK)
// All fine.
In other words... If you want very, VERY simple HTTP interaction,
WinInet is fine, and MFC has support for that.
It seems very simple, but how can I use your example.
I am working with VC++ 6.0. Where can I find CHttpConnection component.
Can I integrate to my VC 6.0 or do I need to work with new visual studio?