Re: Increasing Desktop Heap

"AliR" <AliR@online.nospam>
Mon, 22 May 2006 09:03:47 -0500
Would GlobalMemoryStatus(...) function help?

Just one note, why 3000 GDI objects? Are they all visible at the same time?
My thought is that a human can't really process output from 3000 controls at
the same, time, and I would be surprised if anyone could fit 3000 controls
on the screen at the same time.
Although there are many suggestions for this problem, I like these two
1. Reuse controls. For example people like to show records in the database
in a scrollview (or something like excel). They create a row of controls for
every records, instead they should create enough control to fill the screen,
and once the user scrolls change the value of the controls on the screen.
2. Delete unused objects, and create new ones. This one comes in handy when
all the controls are not of the same type. But the concept is the same, when
things go out of view, destroy them, and create new ones that come into

Just food for thought

"Patje" <> wrote in message


My application is a very user-interface-intensive application with lots
of windows, controls, menu's, ...
Sometimes, my users complain that their system becomes unresponsive or
that my application, or even other applications, start to behave very
strangely. E.g. applications cannot be started anymore, unable to open
a "save as" dialog in Word, strange errors in other applications like
"Failed to create empty document", ...

At first I thought that the number of consumed GDI- or User-objects
might be the cause of the problem (remember: I have many windows), but
although my application uses about 3000 to 4000 GDI- and User-objects
(in a configuration where the user has configured many windows to be
open at the same time), this is still a far way from the maximum
per-process limit of 10000 (in XP).

Now I have found out that the actual problem is caused by the maximum
size of the DeskTop Heap. This can be increased in the registry key
Manager\SubSystems\Windows (see article at
A simple solution could be to always increase this on customers
computers, but a much better solution is to check actual DeskTop Heap
itself: what is used? what is still free? what is the maximum?

I investigated the Windows API but did not find a function to query
this information. Does anyone of you know a way to investigate this?


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