Re: Pipe - Conecpt
"Eitan M" <> wrote in message
Are pipes are simmiliar to UDP or to HTTP protocols,
Pipes can be opened in two modes. Stream mode (PIPE_TYPE_BYTE) is
similar to TCP. Message mode (PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE) is somewhat similar to
UDP, except that it's reliable (delivery and order of messages are
guaranteed) and the recepient may choose to read a single message in
chunks (a UDP datagram must be read all at once, otherwise any unread
portion will be lost).
Just like HTTP is an application-level protocol on top of TCP transport,
one must define and implement an application-level protocol on top of
pipe transport. For example, I don't see any reason why one can't run
HTTP over pipes, though I've never seen anyone do that (more
importantly, you probably won't find any implementations lying around
you could reuse).
A practical example of an application-level protocol over pipes is
Tabular Data Stream (TDS) protocol used by MS SQL Server:
In fact, TDS works equally well over TCP and over named pipes.
(I mean that when using HTTP, every data is checked that is sent to
its destination,
when using UDP - that data may be wasted and not sent properly,
no check is done by UDP) ?
It appears that, when you say HTTP, you really mean TCP. Do you
understand the difference? I humbly suggest you refresh your
understanding of network layers model:
With best wishes,
Igor Tandetnik
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. -- RFC 1925