Re: justifucation for visual studio
Jeff Kish wrote:
On Fri, 1 Jun 2007 00:10:00 -0700, "Tom Serface"
<> wrote:
One big limitation is that it doesn't include MFC so if the previous
project relied on MFC it would be difficult to upgrade using the
free (Express) version.
I'd purchase at least the Professional level version to do any
professional work.
no MFC eh?
OK I think thats a fairly strong case for the pro version.
Can anyone verify my 'observation' that if I get the pro c++ version
I get T-SQL debugger also? (I'd like to know I can debug stored
procedures and triggers if I need to). Thats what I thought I saw on
the MS web site.
Pro definitely includes SQL debugging. I'm not sure if Standard does as
well - the feature comparison page at
doesn't appear to list T-SQL debugging as a differentiating feature (unless
I'm just reading over it - which is entirely possible).