Re: how to get notified from the webpage to toolbar

"David Ching" <>
Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:04:10 GMT
<> wrote in message

 I am creating an IE Toolbar using ATL,COM and WTL without using
MFC.Now I wanr to add a feature that whenever an user will sign in or
signoff from a particular site(suppose,the buttons on the
toolbar will be changed.Like yahoo.After a valid sign in this toolbar
will have different buttons and after signout it will have different
buttons,everything like yahoo toolbar.these buttons will allow the
user to go to his personal pages as well as they will be having drop
down menus which will be populated dynamically by latest alerts or
news.Can anybody tell me how to proceed?Should I connect to
database,The database is in MySQL.I don't know how to connect to MySQL
database and retrieve the datas also.Is there any easier way?

Since your toolbar doesn't support MFC, and most IE toolbars are not written
using MFC, you may want to ask this in another newsgroup. But your toolbar
needs to subscribe to IWebBrowserEvents2 and receive notifications where the
browser is navigated to.... if navigated to "signed in" page, user has
signed in, if navigated to "signed out" page, user has signed out. Then you
can update your toolbar accordingly. I don't see how MySQL enters into any
of this, and anyway, don't know anything about MySQL.

-- David

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