Re: In-place editable Grid Control in MFC

"Tom Serface" <>
Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:13:16 -0700
I would have recommended:

But unfortunately, it's been pulled off the market :o(

I have never used the MFC Grid, but there are certainly a lot of options for
it and it seems to get good support through I use the
report control from Codejock as my grid/list control sort of thing. It is
not derived from list control (it's a CWnd) so it can do a lot of things. I
didn't realize OP was looking for a commercial solution. I tried Stingray's
controls years ago and I thought they were good for the time, but they
eventually sold off to Rogue Wave and I haven't heard much about them since


"Joseph M. Newcomer" <> wrote in message

A quote from a VB MVP I met once:

"The problem with the VB certification exam is that it has 20 questions on
the use of the
MS Grid control. You only need one answer to all 20 questions: find a
third-party Grid

Having once used the Stingray grid product, then a few years later having
to use the MS
grid (at the insistence of a client) I firmly believe that using it would
be a mistake. It
is a very intractable control.

I've not used the codeproject version that was already cited, but is
highly thought of,
and if I needed a grid control, I'd certainly consider it at the top of a
very short list
of options.
On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 06:58:36 -0700, wrote:

using VS 2005 Pro on a large MFC/ATL app...

I need to display a grid control which the users can edit in-place.
I've seen references to the MS DataGrid in the Help file, would this
be suitable? In particular, does it need a "real" DB connection (which
would rule it out), or can it, as in Windows Forms, just be given some
kind of sequence object as a data source?

Even if this is suitable, how would I find it? I've installed all of
VS2005 (except SQL Server Express), and I don't appear to have
MSDatGrd.ocx or its friends anywhere on my system (never mind the
licensing issues mentioned in the Knowledge Base).



Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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