Re: is such exception handling approach good?

"Alex Blekhman" <>
Sat, 22 Dec 2007 12:38:19 +0200
"ajk" wrote:

Say if a class initializes some memory, grabs some
resource and opens
an oracle database in the ctor then what should you do
with the object
if one of those three failed?

It depends on the nature of a class. Sometimes I need none
of them in constructor; sometimes all of them.

The main purpose to do this in constructor is exactly in
order to avoid undefined state of the object. When you
construct it in phases, then complexity of class members
increases insanely. You just can't trust yourself inside
class memeber anymore and bound to perform tedious error
prone checks for everything. It harms both performance and
stability of the code, not to mention high maintenance

Suppose you have the class:

class AllInOne

    BYTE* m_pBuf;
    DBConn* m_pConn;
    FILE* m_fLog;

Now you have two options:

1. Establish defined state of the object in constructor:

AllInOne::AllInOne() :
    m_pBuff(new BYTE[42]),
    // do other stuff

Then you can reliably use its methods:

BYTE AllInOne::GetData(int i)
    return m_pBuff[i];

void AllInOne::RetrieveData()
    m_pConn->FillBuff(m_pBuff, 42);


2. Create "simple" object first, then create necessary part

AllInOne::AllInOne() :

        m_pBuff = new BYTE[42];
        assert("Cannot init the buffer twice!");

        m_pConn = OpenDB(...);
        assert("Cannot init DB twice!");


Now all of class' methods must paranoicaly check internal
state and hope for the best that user won't forget to call
relevant initializer functions:

BYTE AllInOne::GetData(int i)
        return m_pBuff[i];
        // deal with error

void AllInOne::RetrieveData()
            m_pConn->FillBuff(m_pBuff, 42);
            // deal with error
        // deal with error

In my other reply I posted a link to the excerpt from
Strostrup's TC++PL. He discusses the topic in details there.


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