Re: MFC/C++ vs .Net/C#
Yes, that is the main reason I'd consider a web application. Another is
that you can run on different OS's without creating native code for that OS.
However, we're finding that HTML renders differently in different browsers
so much time is taken up just getting things to display as expected so that
works about like Java in that respect. It is also slow to wait for
postbacks on server controls, etc. for remote systems. Still, it is a great
paradigm and likely will become more popular as the tools improve. It's too
bad we are so hampered by standards that MSFT gets grief every time they
want to create a browser that is better for running these sorts of things.
So long as browsers just run HTML and JavaScript the applications aren't
going to get much better.
"Giovanni Dicanio" <> wrote in message
"Tom Serface" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
ASP.NET is a great paradigm for web applications, but I find web
applications tedious to use if a desktop application could be used
There are pros and cons for both desktop and web applications.
What I love about web applications is that they live in the browser, so
you don't need to install anything, you don't have DLL or assembly hell,
You just go into the web site, and use the web application.