Re: MFC = GUI library
This is the place where .NET really kicks MFC. .NET has libraries to do
just about anything you want to do. There are lots of third party libraries
available for MFC/C++, but the out of the box experience with C# is much
better if you're looking for lots of features (imo). Still, it is what it
is. C# programs that I've written that are cycle intensive run slower (for
example try dropping 100K files on a C# list control and adding the files
one at a time and compare with C++/native). But... the IDE works better
with C#, there are a ton more libraries, you don't have to be as rigid in
setting up prototypes, coupled with ASP.NET C# is dynamite for doing web
interfaces, etc.
"Giovanni Dicanio" <> wrote in message
"Carl Forsman" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
In short, MFC is a library use for GUI development?
Yes, but it offers classes and support also for non-GUI features, like
database classes, classes for some Internet-related technologies, etc.